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  1. 13 hours ago · United States - Political parties: The United States has two major national political parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Although the parties contest presidential elections every four years and have national party organizations, between elections they are often little more than loose alliances of state and local party organizations. Other parties have occasionally ...

  2. 2 days ago · United States - Jeffersonian Republicans, Democracy, Federalism: Jefferson began his presidency with a plea for reconciliation: “We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists.” He had no plans for a permanent two-party system of government. He also began with a strong commitment to limited government and strict construction of the Constitution. All these commitments were soon to be tested ...

  3. 2 days ago · United States - Founding Fathers, Constitution, Democracy: It had been far from certain that the Americans could fight a successful war against the might of Britain. The scattered colonies had little inherent unity; their experience of collective action was limited; an army had to be created and maintained; they had no common institutions other than the Continental Congress; and they had ...

  4. 6 days ago · Donner party, group of American pioneers stranded en route to California in 1846. The group was named for the expedition’s captain, George Donner. It was widely circulated that members of the party resorted to cannibalism after their food ran out, giving the party its lasting notoriety.

  5. Sep 10, 2024 · The House of Representatives. From the New York Packet Friday, February 8, 1788. Author: Alexander Hamilton or James Madison To the People of the State of New York: FROM the more general inquiries pursued in the four last papers, I pass on to a more particular examination of the several parts of the government.

  6. 2 days ago · Botswana - Democracy, Tribalism, Wildlife: Under the 1966 constitution (since amended), Botswana is a multiparty republic. The president, who serves as the head of state and government, is indirectly elected to a five-year term and limited to 10 years in office. The National Assembly is composed of elected members (elected by universal adult suffrage) and a handful of ex officio members and ...

  7. 6 days ago · The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is a political party of China. Since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the CCP has been in sole control of that country’s government.

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