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    • XXX. 11,348 books. Jan 28, 2024 03:09PM.
    • Nikola. 173 books. Nov 22, 2023 06:19PM.
    • Ajay. 1,228 books. Oct 26, 2023 12:41AM.
    • Ilkay. 1,294 books. Jan 24, 2023 06:06AM.
  1. that surrounded Nietzsche's writings, especially in the area of morality, and did not bother very much with his derogatory references to women, women's rights, and women's emancipation. The most recent work on Nietzsche and wo-men/feminism/the feminine, by contrast, is abundantly aware of his potential liabilities as wellas his assets.

  2. Truth is as ambigu. ous in Nietzsche's writings as woman. This joint ambiguity is no. coincidence: for while developing a theory of truth we are unpacking. the symbol of woman. Inversely, while developing a theory of. Nietzsche's philosophy of woman, we are unpacking a metaphor for truth.

  3. Nietzsche expresses, once again, his often-controversial views on women, culminating in the infamous “Are you visiting women? Do not forget your whip!”.

  4. By re-examining Nietzsche's notion of the “eternal-feminine” and his views on women and feminism, this volume offers new perspectives on some of his key ideas. It brings together a diverse group of scholars to critically engage with Nietzsche's use of late-19th-century gender stereotypes and the ways in which they served his critique of ...

    • 1st
    • Hardback
    • 272
    • Aug 24 2023
  5. Nietzschephiles have risen to your defence by quoting the few places where you do not explicitly castigate women, the most oft-used phrase being from Beyond Good and Evil. You write in the Preface of that book, and I quote, “Supposing truth is a woman – what then?”

  6. tzsche's texts contain many possibilities for postmodern feminism, since these texts strongly exemplify the two themes that characterize much of the post modern feminist position: woman as multiple and woman as representation.

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