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  1. The University of Karlsruhe was founded as a polytechnical school (Polytechnische Schule) on 7 October 1825. It was modelled on the École polytechnique in Paris. The university is the oldest technical university in Germany and the fourth oldest in Europe and have traditionally focused on engineering , natural sciences and economics .

  2. Universität Karlsruhe (Karlsruhe University) goes back to the Polytechnical School established in 1825. It was one of the first of its kind in the German-speaking area. After its substantial reform, it developed to a model institute from 1832.

  3. Sep 3, 2020 · The history of the KIT begins with the founding of the Polytechnic School in Karlsruhe in 1825 by the Grand Duchy of Baden. The suggestion for its creation came from Johann Gottfried Tulla (1770 – 1828), who headed an engineering school in Karlsruhe that was founded in 1807 and from Friedrich Weinbrenner (1766 – 1828), who headed the ...

  4. Research University in the Helmholtz Association. KIT is the only German university of excellence that combines a long university tradition with large-scale national research.

  5. Die Universität Karlsruhe geht zurück auf die im Jahr 1825 gegründete Polytechnische Schule. Diese war eine der ersten ihrer Art im deutschsprachigen Raum und entwickelte sich nach ihrer grundlegenden Reform ab 1832 zu einem Musterinstitut, das die wesentlichen Impulse gab für die Entwicklung Polytechnischer Schulen zu Technischen Hochschulen.

  6. In the university part of today's KIT, science-based mechanical engineering was founded in the mid-19th century under the direction of Ferdinand Redtenbacher, which influenced the foundation of other technical universities, such as ETH Zurich in 1855. It established the first German faculty for computer science in 1972.

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  8. In Karlsruhe …of fine arts, and the Fridericiana (formally named the University of Karlsruhe in 1967), a technical university, which was the first of its kind in Germany (founded 1825). Former teachers at the Fridericiana include Fritz Haber, a Nobel Prize-winning chemist, and Heinrich Hertz, noted for his study of electromagnetic waves.…