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      • Mention is made of the camel among the cattle given by Pharaoh to Abraham (Genesis 12:16). Its flesh was not to be eaten, as it was ranked among unclean animals (Leviticus 11:4; Deuteronomy 14:7). Abraham's servant rode on a camel when he went to fetch a wife for Isaac (Genesis 24:10, 11). › Dictionary › camels
  1. The Arabian camel or dromedary, from the Greek dromos, “a runner” (Isaiah 60:6; Jeremiah 2:23), has but one hump, and is a native of Western Asia or Africa. The camel was early used both for riding and as a beast of burden (Genesis 24:64; 37:25), and in war (1 Samuel 30:17; Isaiah 21:7).

  2. People also ask

  3. The Arabian camel or dromedary, from the Greek dromos, "a runner" (Isaiah 60:6; Jeremiah 2:23), has but one hump, and is a native of Western Asia or Africa. The camel was early used both for riding and as a beast of burden (Genesis 24:64; 37:25), and in war (1 Samuel 30:17; Isaiah 21:7).

  4. Discover the meaning of Camel in the Bible. Study the definition of Camel with multiple Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias and find scripture references in the Old and New Testaments.

  5. Ever thought about why camels are so important in the Bible? These amazing creatures don’t just show up randomly. They are seen as signs of wealth, trade, and even luck in various Bible stories, from the very beginning to later tales. Find out how camels are linked to success, trade, and taking care of others. Learn about their special role ...

  6. Biblical meaning of a Camel – Biblical symbolism explained. In the Bible, camels are often used as symbols of wealth, prosperity, and abundance. They are also seen as symbols of endurance, strength, and resilience.

  7. Feb 23, 2019 · The camel is mentioned almost 70 times in the Bible. The Hebrew term used to refer to it is gamal, whereas in Aramaic it is gamala , in Greek kámelos , and in Latin camelus , from which it derived its name in West European languages.

  8. Camels', King James Bible Dictionary