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  1. Jan 1, 2016 · Example of Slander Case. In 2009, Girls Gone Wild creator Joe Francis refused to pay billionaire casino mogul Steve Wynn a $2 million dollar debt owed to one of Wynn’s casinos. Francis then accused Wynn publicly of running his casinos deceptively, and that he mentioned Francis’ debt and threatened his life in an email.

  2. Jul 25, 2024 · The distinction between criminal law and tort law is difficult to draw with real precision, but in general one may say that a tort is a private injury whereas a crime is conceived as an offense against the public, although the actual victim may be an individual. This article treats the principles of criminal law.

  3. Aug 30, 2017 · Unconscionable Example Involving a Trucking Business. An example of unconscionable conduct can be found in a case wherein one trucker helped another trucker with a start-up business, then failed to receive the compensation he was initially promised. Randall Lemke owned a trucking business in Wisconsin that ultimately went bankrupt. Thereafter ...

  4. Oct 15, 2015 · Also known as “case law,” or “case precedent,” common law provides a contextual background for many legal concepts. Common laws vary depending on the jurisdiction, but in general, the ruling of a judge is often used as a basis for deciding future similar cases. To explore this concept, consider the following common law definition.

  5. Feb 7, 2019 · Misrepresentation Example Involving. An example of misrepresentation, specifically fraudulent misrepresentation, exists in the matter of Nielsen v. Adams (1986). Here, Don Nielsen was looking for a house to purchase for his son in Nebraska in 1984. A house owned by Orlene Adams was one of the houses he considered.

  6. Feb 6, 2015 · In law, restitution is often ordered by a court in order to achieve fairness, preventing the unjust enrichment of one party to a civil lawsuit.In addition, restitution is often ordered in criminal sentencing, requiring the defendant to make monetary amends, or perform some act that benefits the victim of the crime, or the public in general.

  7. Aug 19, 2015 · Tort reform has come under public scrutiny, as many people find publicized awards in civil lawsuits to be shockingly large. One of the most famous tort lawsuits in recent history in the case of a 79-year old woman who sued McDonald’s restaurants when she spilled her coffee, and was burned. Liebeck v. McDonald’s Restaurants

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