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  1. Aside from habilan, the Hanunoo are also known for their hand embroidery of authentic clothing called ba-ag (loincloth) and balukas (shirt) for men, as well as ramit (an indigo-dyed short skirt) and lambung (blouse) for women.

  2. Jul 9, 2019 · Embroidery plays a huge part in the Hanunuo’s lives. Their authentic clothing — ba-ag and balukas for men and ramit and lambung for women—is often accentuated by pakudos, cross-shaped designs on the back of their shirts which they believe to keep them out of harm’s way.

    • Introduction
    • Location and Homeland
    • Language
    • Religion
    • Rites of Passage
    • Interpersonal Relations
    • Living Conditions
    • Family Life
    • Clothing
    • Food

    The Hanuno'o are the best known of the various groups called "Mangyan" living in the interior of the island of Mindoro. To an even greater extent than other such outsider-given names, "Mangyan" covers a wide range of meanings. In the Tagalog, Bikol, and Visayan languages of the central Philippines, the term combines the ideas of "savage," "mountain...

    The Hanuno'o live inland from the southernmost tip of Mindoro. In the 1970s, the Hanuno'o numbered 6,000 out of a total of 20-30,000 Mangyan, already a minority on an island inhabited by 300,000 Tagalog and Visayan settlers. One 2000 estimate numbers the Hanuno'o 13,000. According to the 2000 census, 7,702 identified themselves as Hanuno'o in Orien...

    The Mangyan groups speak mutually unintelligible languages. The Hanuno'o language is similar to the Visayan tongues of the central Philippines. Along with the neighboring Buhid and the Tagbanua of central Palawan (seeTagbanua), they still use the script, ultimately of Indian origin, that was employed by the Tagalogs and other Filipino peoples at th...

    The Hanuno'o recognize certain named deities of creation, but these play only a minor role in everyday life. Ordinarily more significant to them are nature spirits living in mountains, rocks, the forest, etc., who all can be transformed into labang, evil spirits who can attack a person's soul, causing illness or death. Benign spirits (such as ances...

    Hanuno'o marry by mutual agreement of the two partners' families; the man must provide some form of bride-service to his in-laws. In contrast to non-Mangyan groups, there is no bride-price, formal ceremony, or exchange of goods between the sides. Elopement is an alternative. For a year after death, the right soul remains in the underworld, neither ...

    The Hanuno'o live in autonomous, named settlements largely corresponding to a kin-group. Society is egalitarian with some prestige accorded to age and special skills, such as weaving, smithing, spirit mediation. Individuals and families possess wealth in the form of ritual glass beads, bronze gongs, porcelain jars, and cattle, but accumulated prope...

    Villages are semipermanent, traditionally autonomous, and consist of five to six single-family houses (50-60 persons maximum). They are generally built on valley slopes or hill spurs overlooking a water source. The sites are identified by a geographical landmark, and the settlement itself by the name of its eldest resident. Settlements within an ho...

    A family consists of a man, his wife or wives, and their unmarried offspring. This may be extended to form a local family group with married daughters, and their families usually live in adjacent houses. Such a group always respects its oldest male member. A single family may move away from the settlement but will always set up its residence near t...

    Hanuno'o are noted for long hair, men as well as women. They weave and dye (indigo) their own clothing, which consists of short shirts and short sarongs.

    Rice is the food of prestige and ritual importance, but half of all calories in the Hanuno'o diet comes from bananas and tubers (sweet potatoes, yams, and taro). Most animal protein comes from fishing, less from game or livestock.

  3. Dec 20, 2012 · Portraits of a Mangyan woman and a Mangyan man transporting coconuts. A Bangon woman in a field near the Bongabon River, Mindoro. Our trip started in Puerto Galera, a popular get-a-way and vacation destination for those living in Manila and foreign visitors alike.

  4. Nov 4, 2020 · A Hanunuo-Mangyan male wears a loin cloth (ba-ag) and a shirt (balukas). A female wears an indigo-dyed short skirt (ramit) and a blouse (lambung). Many of the traditional style shirts and blouses are embroidered on the back with a design called pakudos, based on the cross shape.

  5. Feb 14, 2022 · Pamtang or exchanging gifts during the courting stage is an important practice among the Hanunoo. Traditionally, the women weave buri baskets while men prepare apugan (bamboo lime containers) and luka (tobacco tube containers) as gifts.

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  7. The 7,000 Hanunóo (Bulalakao, Hampangan, Hanono-o, Mangyan) live in an area of 800 square kilometers at the southern end of Mindoro Island (12°30′ N, 121°10′ E), in the Philippines. They speak an Austronesian language, and most are literate, using an Indic-derived script that they write on bamboo.

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