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    • Deepen their relationship with God

      • Prayer is a powerful tool that Christians can use to deepen their relationship with God. When we pray, we communicate with God and invite Him into our lives. It is through prayer that we can express our gratitude, ask for forgiveness, and seek guidance. › why-christians-need-to-pray-the-importance-of-prayer-in-faith
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  2. Nov 15, 2023 · Praying in Jesus’ name means that you are conscious of two primary truths as you bring your requests to God: 1. Acknowledgment of His Intercession. There is...

    • Aaron Berry
    • Praying to God Helps Us To Grow Closer To God. If I can sum up the importance of prayer into one big reason, it would be this: prayers help us grow closer to God.
    • Prayer Helps Us To Align Ourselves with God’s Will. When we pray, we are also aligning ourselves with God’s will. We are asking Him to lead us and help us in our journey through life.
    • Prayer Shows You That Your Life is Not About You. ​​Not only will praying help us to align to God’s will, but it also helps us come to terms with reality – life is indeed not about us after all.
    • Prayer Gives Us Strength and Hope. It can be easy to feel like we are alone when things are tough, but God is always with us. When we pray, we are reminded that He is in control and will help us through whatever situation we are facing.
    • Matthew 5:44–45a (also see Luke 6:28) But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven.
    • Matthew 6:5-15. “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others.
    • Matthew 7:7-11. Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.
    • Matthew 15:8-9; Mark 7:6–7. This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.
  3. Jul 12, 2023 · Prayer makes us more like Jesus. If we look at the life of Jesus, we see that he prayedwith others ( Luke 9:28 ), for others ( Matthew 19:13-14 ), and on his own ( Luke 5:16, Luke 6:12 ). It was a fundamental part of how he approached each day and every decision, retreating faithfully to spend time with his Father.

    • Kelli Mahoney
    • Prayer Brings Us Closer to God. Prayer time is our private meeting with God. We can spend time in church, we can read our Bibles and even have a pile of devotionals next to our bed, but there is no substitute for one-on-one time with the Lord.
    • Prayer Brings Divine Help. Yes, God is everywhere and all-knowing, but sometimes he wants us to ask for help. Prayer can bring divine help into our lives when we need it most.
    • Prayer Keeps Our Selfishness in Check. By nature we humans are selfish. Prayer helps keep our self-absorption in check, especially when we pray for others.
    • We Gain Forgiveness Through Prayer. When we pray, we open ourselves up to forgiveness. It's obvious that there are no perfect people in this world. You may strive to be the best Christian you can be, but you will still slip up from time to time.
  4. Jan 10, 2020 · Why God Will Hear Our Prayers. Article by. David Mathis. Executive Editor, Before I was old enough to remember, I learned to pray in Jesuss name. What a gift. Praying in his name is a reality simple enough for a child to acknowledge, and yet profound enough to keep saints in awe for eternity.

  5. Mar 20, 2023 · 3/20/2023. •. Prayer is an integral part of the Christian life. In fact, Scripture simply assumes that believers pray. You won’t find a lot of reasons for prayer, explanations for how it works, or lessons on doing it right. Instead, it talks about prayer as if it expects all of God’s people to find passion and purpose in its practice.

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