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  1. Jun 4, 2021 · 1. William James Sidis memiliki nilai IQ di atas 250. Golongan genius dengan IQ di atas 250. ( Dilansir All Thats Interesting, seorang ahli angka atau matematika bernama William James Sidis ternyata memiliki IQ tertinggi di dunia, yakni di atas 250 dan mampu mendekati 300. Angka ini jauh di atas IQ milik Albert Einstein dan ...

  2. A Review of Amy Wallace's The Prodigy, The Prodigy is Amy Wallace's biography of William James Sidis, Given IQ is a purely anthropocentric means of assessing intelligence, Sidis' IQ is crudely estimated at 250-300, but Albert Einstein came up with the theory of relativity while working in a patent office, I had a feeling Sidis was up to more than most people thought, Amy compares Norbert ...

  3. Jan 25, 2024 · A: It is believed that William Sidis had an IQ score between 250 and 300, which would make him one of the smartest individuals in history. Q: How was William Sidis’ intelligence measured? A: Sidis’ intelligence was measured using standardized intelligence tests, including the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale.

  4. William James Sidis ... William již v 18 měsících četl New York Times, ... že dle jeho měření měl Sidis „s přehledem IQ mezi 250–300", ale odhaduje se ...

  5. Jan 5, 2024 · Name: William James Sidis; IQ Score: 250-300; Nationality: American; Date Of Birth: Apr 1, 1898; Place Of Birth: Manhattan, NYC, USA; Date Of Death: Jul 17, 1944; William James Sidis had the highest iq in the world under the list of top 10 highest IQ ever recorded. He was born in 1898. People think his IQ was between 250 and 300 – that’s ...

  6. Jan 12, 2023 · William James Sidis was a late-nineteenth-century child prodigy with an estimated IQ of 250 to 300. His brilliance, however, was unable to save him from his troubles. The smartest guy who ever lived was born in America in 1898. William James Sidis was his name, and his IQ was finally determined to be between 250 and 300 (with 100 being the norm ...

  7. Jun 7, 2020 · William James Sidis, Terence Tao và Marilyn Vos Savant là ba nhân vật được xếp vào hàng có chỉ số IQ (Intelligence Quotient - chỉ số thông minh) cao nhất thế giới. William James Sidis (IQ: 250 - 300) William James Sidis sinh ngày 1/4/1898 trong gia đình di cư người Ukraine gốc Do Thái. Ông nổi danh là ...