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  1. Yang Xue Zhuang Jin Jian Bu formula is intended for health care professionals or for those knowledgeable of Traditional Chinese Medicine.TCM is powerful and reliable, but it can be complex. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment aren't recommended for chronic, recurring, or serious illness. Best to Start an E-mail Consultation now.

  2. Restorative Formula (Yang Xue Zhuang Jin Jian Bu Wan) Nourishes qi, yin, and blood, dispels wind and dampness, frees the connecting vessels to relieve pain, secures essence, regulates rising and descending of yin and yang. For fibromyalgia, chronic pain in the elderly or patients weakened by illness

  3. Code : 1412BPin-Yin Name : Yang Xue Zhuang Jin Jian Bu Wan (Qu Hu Gu) Chinese Name : 養血壯筋健步丸Capacity :240 pills Directions : Adults: Take 5-8 pills along with warm water before or between meals, 2-3 times daily. Children: Age 8-15: Take 3-5 pills, 2-3 times daily.Age 5-7: Take 2-4 pills, 2-3 times daily.Tags :

  4. People also ask

  5. Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Wan (Bupleurum, Dragon Bone, and Oyster Shell Formula) Chai Hu Shu Gan Wan (Bupleurum Powder to Spread the Liver) Chen Xiang Hua Qi Wan (Aquilaria Qi Transforming Pills) Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao Wan (Ligusticum Tea Pills) Chu Kou Wei Wan (Chu Kou Wei Wan)

  6. (Yang Xue Zhuang Jin Jian Bu Wan), with each substance combining with 2-5 other substances to reinforce a particular action, the opposite occurs, and the synergy potentiates the entire formula. Synergy of Ingredients There are multiple nuclear groupings of substances in Restorative Formula (Yang Xue Zhuang Jin Jian Bu Wan), each with its own em-

  7. About the formula 70%of primarily is supple the right relationship between and yin yang with its ascending and it softens sinews, nourishes the eyes, regulates the bowels, and restores wind-damp. It not only nourishes the liver, kidneys, qi, and blood, but. (Yang Xue Zhuang Jin Jian Bu Wan) (Si Wu Tang) . Combined, these “three marvels ...

  8. Jia Jian Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan (modified) 240 tabs: Create: EY60: ... Yang Xue Zhuang Jin Jian Bu Wan: 60 tabs: Create: RSF240: Restorative Formula - Extra Concentrate.