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  1. Sep 28, 2021 · One of our rules is that \(x_\mu=\eta_{\mu\nu}x^\nu\). Note that the sum only occurs over \(\nu\), since that is the only index that appears both downstairs and upstairs. The index \(\mu\) is called a free index because it can take on any value 0-3 (i.e. t, x, y, or z).

  2. In other words, we take a material in which the total field is not modified very much by the motion of the other charges. That corresponds to a material in which the index of refraction is very close to $1$, which will happen, for example, if the density of the atoms is very low.

  3. For $\omega<\omega_p$ the index of a metal has an imaginary part, and waves are attenuated; but for $\omega\gg\omega_p$ the index is real, and the metal becomes transparent. You know, of course, that metals are reasonably transparent to x-rays.

    • Introduction
    • Total Internal Reflection
    • Dispersion
    • Birefringence

    Willebrord Snel (1580–1626) Netherlands. "Although he discovered the law of refraction, a basis of modern geometric optics, in 1621, he did not publish it and only in 1703 did it become known when Huygens published Snell's law in Dioptrica." Snell also studied navigation and proposed the method of triangulation, which is the foundation of geodesy (...

    light traveling from a slow medium to a fast medium critical angle inferior mirage 1. It is sometimes possible to see over the horizon. The superior mirage or Fata Morgana. "Fata Morgana (superior mirage), the Italian name of the enchanted, half sister of King Arthur. Italian writers and poets described these effects as seen over the straights of M...

    intro Dispersion is generally highest in solids and lowest in gases. Dispersion is often measured in terms of the coefficient of dispersion, which is defined as the difference between the refractive indices for for two prominent lines in the spectrum of hydrogen — the blue F line at 486.1 nm and the red C line at 656.3 nm. nf − nc Another common me...

    Calcite is a common, transparent mineral. It can be found throughout the world, but some of the best samples were originally found in Iceland. Pieces of this mineral are easily split (or cleaved as the geologists say) into parallelogram-faced prismatic chunks. Nonmetallic minerals that cleave easily were called spar in German and so calcite is some...

  4. In his presentation of relativity theory, Einstein introduced an index-based notation that has become widely used in physics. This notation is almost universally used in general relativity but it is also extremely useful in electromagnetism, where it is used in a simplified manner. These notes summarize the index notation and its use.

  5. This is a list of common physical constants and variables, and their notations. Note that bold text indicates that the quantity is a vector .

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  7. Sep 15, 2021 · In physics, the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in a medium is called the index of refraction. The formula of index of refraction is written as \begin{gather*} n=\frac{\text{Speed of light in a vacuum}}{\text{Speed of light in the medium}}\\\\ n=\frac{c}{v_{medium}}\end{gather*}

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