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  1. A community is a group of people living in a particular area. A community can be made up of a large or small group of people. The land area of a community can also be large or small.

  2. Apr 29, 2022 · In its most basic sense, a community is a group of people living in the same area or neighborhood working to help each other. Just a few of the communities you might explain to kids include: Social community - the community of your peers you have at school.

  3. A community is a large group of people who live in the same neighborhood, town, or area. A community can also be a large group of people who have something very important in common. The whole community was happy when some kids joined together to pick up litter on the sidewalks.

  4. communities. definition 1: a particular area where a group of people live. A new store opened in my community. similar words: city, district, town, village. definition 2: a group of people who live close together or who have the same interests. Education is important to the immigrant community.

  5. A community is a group of people living or working together in the same area. People in communities might go to the same schools, shop in the same stores and do the same...

  6. What is a community? A community is a word for a group of people who have things in common. They might live in the same area, go to the same school, do the same activities or have...

  7. Thousands of parents and educators are turning to the kidslearning app that makes real learning truly fun.

  8. There's much more to a community than just being in the same place these days, but what is community? Read on to find out, along with some great resource recommendations to teach your students about communities.

  9. A community is a group of people who live and work in one place. Most people live in communities because they can find jobs and are close to schools and stores. Why do you like to live in your community?

  10. Families and friends are the most important part of social communities. We live with our family and we go out with our friends, and do the same type of things. Your neighborhood makes a...

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