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  1. ABUND'ANCE, n. Great plenty; an overflowing quantity; ample sufficiency; in strictness applicable to quantity only; but customarily used of number, as an abundance of peasants. In scripture, the abundance of the rich is great wealth. Eccl. 5. Mark, 7. Luke 21. The abundance of the seas is great plenty of fish.

  2. Feb 25, 2024 · What does abundance mean in the Bible? In a nutshell, it means having an abundant life with blessings and provision from God. Abundance is a term used to describe the prosperity of God’s people in the Old and New Testament. Abundance describes God’s desire for his followers to live a life that is full of joy and satisfaction.

  3. Jan 4, 2022 · First, abundance is spiritual abundance, not material. In fact, God is not overly concerned with the physical circumstances of our lives. He assures us that we need not worry about what we will eat or wear (Matthew 6:25-32; Philippians 4:19).

  4. A slight formal difference of conception may be noted in pleonazo, which suggests that the abundance has resulted from augmentation. In Romans 5:20 the two words stand in the closest connection: `Where sin abounded (by its increase) grace abounded more exceedingly (was rich beyond measure).'.

  5. Feb 19, 2021 · Abundance in this sense means a life full of everything you need to sustain yourself in joy and purpose. Discover all of the best scripture quotes about abundance in this collection of Bible verses.

  6. Nov 29, 2021 · What Is Abundant Life in the Bible? Scripture shares how Jesus said He came to give an abundant life to those who believe and place their faith in God (John 10:10 NIV).

  7. Dec 28, 2019 · The word “abundance” occurs 71 times in the Bible. The infographic below identifies the points of each occurrence. This graphic presentation starts with Genesis in the top left and concludes with Revelation in the bottom right. Here are the 50 most powerful Bible scriptures on abundance. Ephesians 3:20.

  8. Jan 5, 2022 · What are some Bible verses about abundance? Answer. Ephesians 3:20. Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, John 10:10. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. Psalm 23:5.

  9. You brought us into the net; you laid a crushing burden on our backs; you let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water; yet you have brought us out to a place of abundance.

  10. 33 Bible Verses about Abundance, Spiritual. Most Relevant Verses. Exodus 34:6. Verse Concepts. Then the Lord passed by in front of him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; Isaiah 55:7. Verse Concepts. Let the wicked forsake his way.

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