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  1. Cooking Skills For Kids - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Thanksgiving Babka
    When I was in college, my roomate had a Moosewood cookbook that had a babka recipe in it that was tempting, yet intimidated me. Back then I neither whipped egg whites until glossy, nor did I make anything with yeast. I was a rookie baker and cook, just graduating from box cakes to bigger challenges. I have since forgotten the details of the Moosewood recipe, but my baking skills have developed enough to cope, and I remember the concept fondly: meringue inside dough for a sticky, sweet filling. In this iteration, I have layered the meringue with a pumpkin mixture for a yummy spice-filled treat. The dough in this recipe is taken from a recent Rosh Hashana version by Vered Guttman, printed in Ha'aretz newspaper. The dough has become my go to buttery yeast dough for all sorts of things. It's that good. Note: Since this particular filling was one of those spur of the moment creations, I ended up with leftovers. I just mixed the meringue with the pumpkin mixture and my kids enjoyed it like pudding. Delicious!