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  1. Germaine de Staël fut une femme de lettres féministe et abolitionniste sous la Révolution et l’Empire. Anne-Louise-Germaine Necker, dite Madame de Staël, naît à Paris le 22 avril 1766. Issue de la bourgeoisie suisse romande, elle est la fille de Jacques Necker, banquier genevois richissime, et de Suzanne Necker, fille de pasteur d’ascendance plus modeste, qui évoluent dans une ...

  2. Anne Louise Germaine de Staël (April 22, 1766 – July 14, 1817), commonly known as Madame de Staël, was a French-speaking Swiss author living in Paris and abroad. . Although not a particularly gifted author herself, she was a significant literary figure who influenced literary tastes in Europe at the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth c

  3. Germaine de Staël (1766–1817) is perhaps best known today as a novelist, literary critic, and outspoken and independent thinker. Yet she was also a prominent figure in politics during the French Revolution. Biancamaria Fontana sheds new light on this often overlooked aspect of Staël’s life and work, bringing vividly to life her unique ...

  4. The quote above comes from Madame de Staël (1766-1817), a politically engaged woman of letters, who survived the French Revolution and was exiled more than once by Napoleon. Celebrated for her conversational eloquence, Anne Louise Germaine Necker, Madame de Staël-Holstein - as was her full name - produced literary works, both critical and ...

  5. Germaine de Staëls Unterschrift: Anne-Louise-Germaine Baronin von Staël-Holstein bzw. Madame de Staël [ sta:l ], geborene Necker (* 22. April 1766 in Paris; † 14. Juli 1817 ebendort), war eine aus der Republik Genf stammende französische Schriftstellerin. Sie gilt zugleich als Vorreiterin der Literatursoziologie und der vergleichenden ...

  6. De Staël, born Anne Louise Germaine Necker in Paris on April 22, 1766, was the daughter of the French politician Jacques Necker, Louis XVI's minister of finance. Her literary interests were encouraged by her parents, and as a girl she was exposed to the intellectual salon that her mother hosted in her house, which included such notables as ...

  7. Madame de Staël retratada por François Gérard hacia 1810. Anne-Louise Germaine Necker ( París, 22 de abril de 1766 - Ib., 14 de julio de 1817), Baronesa de Staël Holstein, conocida como Madame de Staël [ stal ], fue una escritora y "salonnière" francesa de origen ginebrino. 1 Hija de Suzanne Curchod, como su madre, destacó por la fama ...

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