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  1. Jul 14, 2018 · Don't let fear stop you. Don't give up because you are paralyzed by insecurity or overwhelmed by the odds, because in giving up, you give up hope. Understand that failure is a process in life, that only in trying can you enrich yourself and have the possibility of moving forward.

  2. Enjoy the best Sonia Sotomayor Quotes at BrainyQuote. Quotations by Sonia Sotomayor, American Judge, Born June 25, 1954. Share with your friends.

  3. 203 quotes from Sonia Sotomayor: '. . . But experience has taught me that you cannot value dreams according to the odds of their coming true. Their real value is in stirring within us the will to aspire. That will, wherever it finally leads, does at least move you forward.

  4. Jun 14, 2022 · Sonia Sotomayor Quotes. 1. “There are uses to adversity, and they don’t reveal themselves until tested. Whether it’s serious illness, financial hardship, or the simple constraint of parents who speak limited English, difficulty can tap unexpected strengths.”–. Sonia Sotomayor. 2. “You know, failure hurts. Any kind of failure stings.

  5. Mar 23, 2024 · Here are the best Sonia Sotomayor quotes to remember and live by. These inspirational quotes are collected from her writings, speeches, and judicial opinions that will inspire you to fight against all odds , work hard, and achieve greatness.

  6. Sourced quotations by the American Judge Sonia Sotomayor (born in 1954) about court, wise and people. Enjoy the best Sonia Sotomayor quotes and picture quotes!

  7. Sonia Sotomayor's famous quote, "I was raised to believe that excellence is the best deterrent to racism or sexism," encapsulates her perspective on overcoming discrimination. Sotomayor, the first Latina Supreme Court Justice in American history, shares a powerful message that highlights her upbringing and values.

  8. Discover Sonia Sotomayor famous and rare quotes. Share Sonia Sotomayor quotations about judging, affirmative action and lawyers. "The challenges I have faced - among them..."

  9. Discover Sonia Sotomayor famous and rare quotes. Share Sonia Sotomayor quotations about judging, affirmative action and lawyers. "It really takes growing up to treasure the..."

  10. Nov 22, 2023 · Explore some of Sonia Sotomayor best quotations and sayings on -- such as 'There’s 50 million students who will benefit from this who today will struggle, many of them don’t have assets sufficient to bail them out after the pandemic.' and more...

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