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  1. Achievements of Christopher Columbus whose arrival in the Western Hemisphere in 1492 was a pivotal event in world history. His arrival opened up a “new world” for his fellow Europeans but also marked the beginning of a devastating period of exploitation for the indigenous peoples he and his successors encountered.

  2. SIR: Since I know that you will be pleased at the great victory with which Our Lord has crowned my voyage, I write this to you, from which you will learn how in thirty-three days I

  3. Ferdinand Columbus (Fernando Colombo, Fernando Colón, Hernando Colon), the second son of Christopher Columbus, returned from the New World in 1510, and proceeded to collect one of the largest private libraries of the sixteenth century.

  4. Dec 15, 2020 · For years, Columbus proposed his plans to the Portuguese and Spanish kings, but he was turned down each time. Finally, after the Moors were expelled from Spain in 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella reconsidered his requests.

  5. Jan 1, 1992 · "The cornerstone of the history of the American continent." --Washington Irving This revised edition (originally published in 1959) of the famous biography of Columbus by his son Ferdinand was published to coincide with the Columbus quincentenary celebrations.

  6. Oct 5, 2012 · Christopher Columbus was an intrepid, driven ocean explorer who found the Americas while looking for an ocean route to Asia; his discovery is celebrated as Columbus Day in many countries.

  7. Christopher Columbus's journal (Diario) is a diary and logbook written by Christopher Columbus about his first voyage.The journal covers events from 3 August 1492, when Columbus departed from Palos de la Frontera, to 15 March 1493 and includes a prologue addressing the sovereigns. [1]

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