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  1. Tháng 4 năm 1260, Hốt Tất Liệt được những người ủng hộ bầu làm Đại hãn, cạnh tranh với tuyên bố của A Lý Bất Ca. Do đó đã dẫn đến một cuộc nội chiến giữa hai huynh đệ nhằm giành quyền lãnh đạo đế quốc. Khi Sát Hợp Đài hãn quốc cần một hãn mới, Hốt Tất ...

  2. Arigue Buga. Arigue Buga (em russo: Ариг-Буга; romaniz.: Arig Buga; em mongol: Аригбөх; romaniz.: Arig Bökh) foi um nobre mongol do século XIII, filho de Tolui (r. 1227–1229) e Sorcaquetani. Com a morte de seu irmão Mangu Cã (r. 1251–1259), entrou em conflito com seu outro irmão Cublai Cã pelo domínio do Império ...

  3. Ariq Böke is the 1,073rd most popular politician (down from 1,065th in 2019), the 11th most popular biography from Mongolia (down from 10th in 2019) and the 8th most popular Mongolian Politician. Ariq Böke was most famous for being the son of Genghis Khan and the brother of Kublai Khan. He attempted to take over control of the Mongol empire ...

  4. › wiki › Ariq_BökeAriq Böke - Wikipedia

    Ariq Böke is deur die tradisionaliste in die ryk gesteun en Koeblai deur die senior prinse van Noord-China en Mantsjoerye. Oorgawe. Namate die oorlog tussen Koeblai en Ariq Böke gevorder het, het laasgenoemde se magte verswak. Koeblai het ’n sterk mag van Alans, Turke en Chinese gehad.

  5. Ariq Böke was the envious younger brother of Kublai Khan. He thirsts for his throne and his position as Khan of Khans. He is later killed. He is a supporting antagonist in Season 1 of the TV Series, ‘Marco Polo.' Ariq is supposed to reinforce Jingim's siege of Wuchang but never arrives. During the initial siege of Wuchang, Ariq fails to bring reinforcements. Jingim meets with him in episode ...

  6. › wiki › Ariq_BökeAriq Böke – Wikipedia

    Ariq Böke. Ariq Böke ( Bông-kó͘-gí: ᠠᠷᠢᠴᠪᠥᠬ ᠠ, 1219 nî – 1266 nî ) sī Bông-kó͘ Tè-kok ê chi̍t ê hông-tè kap khó-hān, 1259 nî kàu 1264 nî chāi-ūi.

  7. Arig böke megtámadja Alghut, Dzsami al Tavarih festménye (1596). [3] Az úgynevezett tolujida polgárháború kirobbanása az első független csagatájida régens, Ergene hatún ( régens 1251-1260), Kara-Hülegü, Csagatáj unoka feleségéhez fűződik. Ő volt az irányító, amikor Möngke halála válságba sodorta a Mongol Birodalmat.