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  1. About us. is the only free machine translation service for the Tetun language. The Android app , iOS app and website together have over 60,000 monthly active users, and growing! was entirely set up as a volunteer project, led by Raphaël Merx since 2019, and developed in collaboration with Katrina Langford (TimorLink) since ...

  2. › wiki › TetumTetumWikipedia

    Tetum är Östtimors officiella språk tillsammans med portugisiska. [ 2] Tetum är ett austronesiskt språk som har påverkats mycket av kontakter med malajiskan och portugisiskan. Språket skrivs med latinska alfabetet. [ 3] Tetum kan delas i tre dialektala undergrupper: nord-, öst- och sydtetum. [ 4]

  3. › wiki › Lia-tetunLia-tetun - Wikipedia

    Lia-tetun. Tetun (iha portugés: tétum; iha inglés: Tetum) ne'e lian nasionál no ko- ofisiál Timór Lorosa'e nian. Lian ida-ne'e nia hun mai husi austronézia no hatama mos liafuan barak husi lian portugés no lian malaio .

  4. Languages of Thailand. Sign at Hua Hin railway station in Central Thai, English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Thailand is home to 51 living indigenous languages and 24 living non-indigenous languages, [1] with the majority of people speaking languages of the Southwestern Tai family, and the national language being Central Thai. Lao is spoken ...

  5. The Timoric languages are a group of Austronesian languages (belonging to the Central–Eastern subgroup) spoken on the islands of Timor, neighboring Wetar, and (depending on the classification) Southwest Maluku to the east. Within the group, the languages with the most speakers are Uab Meto of West Timor, Indonesia and Tetum of East Timor ...

  6. › wiki › TetumTetum – Wikipedie

    Tetum (také Tétum nebo Tetun, dříve Belu) je jeden ze dvou oficiálních jazyků Východního Timoru. Jde o malajsko - polynéský jazyk, který obsahuje hodně výpůjček z indonéštiny (malajštiny) a portugalštiny. Současně se názvem „tetum“ označuje největší etnikum Východního Timoru, pro něž je tento jazyk jazykem ...

  7. › wiki › Pájina_MahulukWikipedia

    Em português: Esta é a Wikipédia em tétum, principal língua nacional e idioma oficial de Timor-Leste. Dalam bahasa Indonesia: Ini adalah Wikipedia dalam bahasa Tetun, bahasa ibu sekaligus bahasa resmi Timor Leste (ex. Timor Timur). In English: This is the Wikipedia in Tetum, the main national tongue and official language of East Timor.

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