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  1. May 31, 2024 · oligarchy, government by the few, especially despotic power exercised by a small and privileged group for corrupt or selfish purposes. Oligarchies in which members of the ruling group are wealthy or exercise their power through their wealth are known as plutocracies.

  2. Mar 10, 2023 · An oligarchy is a form of government, just as a democracy or monarchy is. Here's how it works and a few examples of countries some say it applies to.

  3. › wiki › OligarchyOligarchy - Wikipedia

    The religious government of Iran, formed after the 1979 Iranian revolution, is described as a clerical oligarchy, led by a coalition of militant Khomeinist ideologues and fundamentalist Shia clergy.

  4. Nov 14, 2019 · An oligarchy is a power structure made up of a few elite individuals, families, or corporations that are allowed to control a country or organization. This article examines the characteristics of oligarchies, their evolution, and how common they are today.

  5. Oct 19, 2023 · Broadly speaking, an oligarchy is a form of government characterized by the rule of a few persons or families. More specifically, the term was used by Greek philosopher Aristotle in contrast to aristocracy, which was another term to describe rule by a privileged few.

  6. Political system - Autocracy, Democracy, Oligarchy: The most important type of political system in the modern world is the nation-state. The world today is divided territorially into more than 190 countries, in each of which a national government claims to exercise sovereignty—or the power of final authority—and seeks to compel obedience to ...

  7. May 23, 2018 · The term oligarchy refers to a form of government in which political power is in the hands of a small minority. The word oligarchy derives from the Greek word oligarkhia (government of the few), which is composed of oligoi (few) and arkhein (to rule).

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