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  1. Jun 9, 2024 · Embark on a guided journey from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, Jericho, and Qaser Al Yahud. Explore important biblical and historical sites, including the Church of The Nativity and the Jordan River.

  2. 21 hours ago · The My Lai massacre was the mass murder of 347 to 504 unarmed citizens in South Vietnam, almost entirely civilians, most of them women and children, conducted by U.S. soldiers from the Company C of the 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade of the 23rd (American) Infantry Division, on 16 March 1968.

  3. 21 hours ago · The U.S. and Israeli military spotters found the RINJ women’s health care out-of-hospital medical facility and had it bombed killing two scores of innocents. The USA/Israeli ‘spotters’ typically follow the movement of the masses of Palestinians, find food stores for bombing and locate schools and out-of-hospital health facilities now ...

  4. 21 hours ago · En gros « Israël » a tué plus d’enfants innocents que de combattants. Mais cette « guerre » est toujours légitime selon certains…. — Goldbaum of Krakow (@krakow1998) June 8, 2024. Libérés lors d'une "opération spéciale" donc on voit que là vous n'avez pas bombardé aveuglément comme vous le faites habituellement !

  5. 21 hours ago · Le ministère iranien des Affaires étrangères a fermement condamné le terrible crime commis par le régime d’occupation dans le camp de Nuseirat, au centre de la bande de Gaza. Le porte-parole de la diplomatie iranienne, Nasser Kanaani, a déclaré que les crimes horribles et choquants commis par les sionistes lors du massacre de centaines ...

  6. 21 hours ago · HÜDA PAR urges global response to Israeli massacre in Nuseirat. The death toll in the Nusierat refugee camp has risen to 210, with at least 400 people injured, following a series of brutal massacres carried out by Israeli forces. The assault on the camp has drawn widespread condemnation, including from HÜDA PAR, a political party known for ...

  7. 21 hours ago · Il a également évoqué les souffrances des Palestiniens innocents, en particulier des enfants opprimés de Gaza, qui souffrent de la famine, de la soif, du manque de médicaments et d'outils médicaux en raison du siège et des bombardements brutaux qui les frappent quotidiennement.

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