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  1. Oct 5, 2012 · Ancient Aliens Debunked is a 3 hour refutation of the theories proposed on the History Channel series Ancient Aliens. It is essentially a point by point critique of the “ancient astronaut theory” which has been proposed by people like Erich von Däniken and Zecharia Sitchin as well as many others.

  2. Sep 3, 2015 · Archaeologist Larry Zimmerman reviews The Lost Colonies of Ancient America by Frank Joseph, who insists that mainstream archaeologists are the ones ignoring information on transoceanic...

  3. What results is a slimy and incomprehensible mixture of idle speculation and outright fabrications which pit the enthusiastic “ancient alien theorists,” as the narrator generously calls them,...

  4. There are certainly episodes that suggest that ancient sites were built with help from aliens (S3E6, for instance), but the series’ overarching narrative tries to link everything and anything to aliens, including plagues (S3E7), myths (S1E2) and Albert Einstein (S5E5).

    • Ezekiel's Wheel
    • The Nephilim
    • The Vaimānika Shāstra
    • The Sumerian Anunnaki
    • Robotic Osiris
    • Ancient Nukes in India

    They go on to posit that this must have been some sort of aircraft powered by four propellers. Here Ancient Aliensfollows a common tack: they wrongly assume that Ezekiel simply didn't have the vocabulary to describe propellers; therefore, we are forced to conclude that's what "wheels within wheels" must mean. But neither vocabulary nor descriptive ...

    Let's take one more from the Bible. Ancient Aliensclaimed: The reference is from Genesis, but Ancient Aliens also correctly notes that many cultures throughout history have had stories of gods coming down and mating with humans — the Greek gods did it every time they turned around. The show asserts that the classical interpretation of nephilim to m...

    In fact, vimanas are simply palaces, which is why they're found in many texts. Those of the gods were said to be able to fly, but they were immense and intricate just like real palaces. However Ancient Aliens speaks of a whole different type, powered by jets, flying violently, and described in great mechanical detail that exceeds what the ancients ...

    First of all, scholars who actually know anything about this know that the civilization was called Sumer, not "Sumeria"; so, not off to a good start. Also, all Sumerian writing has been translated and is searchable online, and it's plain for everyone to see that not a thing Ancient Alienssays about the Anunnaki bears any resemblance to the truth. A...

    The most influential story in ancient Egyptian mythology is that of Osiris, a god who was murdered and chopped into pieces. His wife Isis then collected the pieces and made Osiris whole by wrapping him as a mummy. Ancient Alienssaid: In no version of the story was Osiris miraculously restored; but was put back together just enough for Isis to impre...

    I'll be brief on this one, as there's a complete Skeptoid episode on it already, #541 on India's ancient nuclear blasts. For a long time there have been claims of evidence of atomic bombs being used in India some 8-12,000 years ago; claims like a giant crater, radioactive skeletons found holding hands, and detailed graphic descriptions of what can ...

  5. Mar 24, 2020 · Today we're continuing our three-part discussion of some of the most popularly believed falsehoods promoted as fact by the TV series Ancient Aliens. To keep this gargantuan task somewhat manageable, we've split it into three parts: ancient texts ( covered last week in Part 1 ), ancient artworks and artifacts ( which we'll talk about next week ...

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  7. Mar 31, 2020 · Today we're going to wrap up our mammoth undertaking of debunking perhaps the worst offending series in the history of television, Ancient Aliens, which graffitis vast swaths of human history with a thick coat of falsehood.

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