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  1. Here are just a handful of specific cases, mostly culled from Laurence Bergreen's recent biography, Columbus: The Four Voyages, of almost unimaginable cruelty inflicted by Columbus and his crew...

  2. On April 17, 1492, Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic monarchs of Castile, signed the Capitulations of Santa Fe, the agreement by which Christopher Columbus, one-time wool-weaving apprentice in Savona, Italy, undertook a voyage of discovery to the western Atlantic.

  3. Columbus and his men enslaved many of these native people and treated them with extreme violence and brutality, according to Throughout his years in the Americas, Columbus forced...

  4. Why Columbus Day Courts Controversy. Christopher Columbus' arrival in North America in 1492 undoubtedly changed the world and lives of the Indigenous people he met. But was it for the better?

  5. It's time to recognize that Christopher Columbus Day was a mass killer, responsible for 3 million deaths and not a founding father, rather the founder of the slave trade.

  6. For Native people in the U.S., Columbus Day represents a celebration of genocide and dispossession. The irony is that Columbus didn’t discover anything. Not only was he lost, thinking he had landed in India, but there is significant evidence of trans-oceanic contact prior to 1492.

  7. They assume that he brought slavery and genocide to the New World. Europeans did, of course, commit many sins. But they did not introduce new evils; all of them — including slavery and genocide — already existed among Indigenous peoples, as they did throughout the world.

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