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  1. List Of Different Ways To Cook Potatoes Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Old England Traditional  Roast Beef  and Yorkshire Pudding
    Possibly the most famous of all English dishes, traditionally served for the "big" family meal of the week, Sunday Lunch. First a little about the Yorkshire Pudding. Different areas of England cook, serve and eat this in totally different ways. No single way is 'right' nor 'wrong'. It depends upon your family tradition and where you live. Originally the Yorkshire Pudding was eaten on its own as a first course with thick gravy. This was to fill your stomach with the cheap Yorkshire Pudding so that you would not eat so much of the more expensive meat in the next course. Now Yorkshire Puddings tend to be lighter and crispier and they are served and eaten with the meat course, with lashings of beef gravy with them! How to serve the roast beef: Some families carve the meat in the kitchen and bring it to the table on pre-warmed plates. Others carve the meat at the table so every one can see, that is how my Dad used to do it! Roast Beef is best served with roast potatoes, and a selection of freshly steamed seasonal vegetables, such as carrots, cabbage and broccoli. Have a gravy boat brimming full of gravy for diners to help themselves to. For special occasions consider making the gravy with a glass or two of wine! I have posted this recipe for 8 to 10 people; I always feel it's worth cooking more than you need, as you can have cold roast beef sandwiches for tea and of course make cottage pie the next day! The Yorkshire pudding listed below is already posted on Zaar - Recipe #203349, but I have added it here again, so you can cook them with the beef, following only one recipe for ease. My Mum's Yorkshire pudding recipe is simple, as long as all the ratio of measurements are equal, you can increase or decrease the amount of puddings you make!