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  1. Немета́ллы — химические элементы, как правило, не обладающие свойствами металлов. Занимают правый верхний угол Периодической системы элементов Менделеева и обычно отделены линией ...

  2. ID 0290673. «Необрати́мость» ( фр. Irréversible) — французский драматический триллер режиссёра Гаспара Ноэ. История рассказывается в обратном хронологическом порядке. Производство компаний StudioCanal ...

  3. Страницы в категории «Неметаллы» Показано 19 страниц из 19, находящихся в данной категории.

  4. › wiki › NonmetalNonmetal - Wikipedia

    Nonmetals are chemical elements that mostly lack distinctive metallic properties. They range from colorless gases like hydrogen to shiny crystals like iodine. Physically, they are usually lighter (less dense) than metals; brittle or crumbly if solid; and often poor conductors of heat and electricity.

  5. Apr 28, 2024 · A nonmetal is a chemical element that mostly lacks metallic attributes. Physically, nonmetals tend to be highly volatile (easily vaporized), have low elasticity, and are good insulators of heat and electricity; chemically, they tend to have high ionization energy and electronegativity values, and gain or share electrons when they react with ...

  6. The first member of each nonmetal group exhibits different behaviors, in many respects, from the other group members. The reasons for this include smaller size, greater ionization energy, and (most important) the fact that the first member of each group has only four valence orbitals (one 2s and three 2p) available for bonding, whereas other group members have empty d orbitals in their valence ...

  7. Sep 1, 2022 · Here is a summary of the properties of the nonmetals. High ionization energies. High electronegativities. Poor thermal conductors. Poor electrical conductors. Brittle solids—not malleable or ductile. Little or no metallic luster. Gain electrons easily. Dull, not metallic-shiny, although they may be colorful.

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