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  1. St. Nicholas. The Crosiers. 0. LIVED: Nicholas was born to wealthy Greek parents in the year 270 on the coast of what is now Turkey. He died on December 6, 343, in Myra, where he was bishop. MISSION: As bishop of Myra, Nicholas devoted himself to caring for the poor and defending children.

  2. Nov 29, 2017 · Saint Nicholas is known as a great miracle worker and the patron saint of children, mariners, orphans, sailors, captives, and many others! He is also known as the protector of those in trouble or in need. His popularity spread widely throughout Eastern and Western Europe and is venerated by Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants.

    • Biographical Sources
    • Life and Legends
    • Relics
    • Veneration and Celebrations
    • Iconography
    • Music
    • See Also

    Very little at all is known about Saint Nicholas's historical life. Any writings Nicholas himself may have produced have been lost and he is not mentioned by any contemporary chroniclers. This is not surprising, since Nicholas lived during a turbulent time in Roman history. Furthermore, all written records were kept on papyrus or parchment, which w...

    Family and background

    Accounts of Saint Nicholas's life agree on the essence of his story, but modern historians disagree regarding how much of this story is actually rooted in historical fact. Traditionally, Nicholas was born in the city of Patara (Lycia et Pamphylia), a port on the Mediterranean Sea, in Asia Minor in the Roman Empire, to a wealthy family of Greek Christians. According to some accounts, his parents were named Epiphanius (Ἐπιφάνιος, Epiphánios) and Johanna (Ἰωάννα, Iōánna), but, according to other...

    Generosity and travels

    After his parents died, Nicholas is said to have distributed their wealth to the poor. In his most famous exploit, which is first attested in Michael the Archimandrite's Life of Saint Nicholas, Nicholas heard of a devout man who had once been wealthy but had lost all of his money due to the "plotting and envy of Satan." The man could not afford proper dowriesfor his three daughters. This meant that they would remain unmarried. Hearing of the girls' plight, Nicholas decided to help them, but,...

    Bishop of Myra

    After visiting the Holy Land, Nicholas returned to Myra. The bishop of Myra, who had succeeded Nicholas's uncle, had recently died and the priests in the city had decided that the first priest to enter the church that morning would be made bishop. Nicholas went to the church to pray and was therefore proclaimed the new bishop. He is said to have been imprisoned and tortured during the Great Persecution under the Emperor Diocletian (ruled 284–305), but was released under the orders of the Empe...


    It has long been traditionally assumed that Saint Nicholas was originally buried in his home town of Myra, where his relics are later known to have been kept, but some recent archaeological evidence indicates that Saint Nicholas may have originally been entombed in a rock-cut church located at the highest point on the small Turkish island of Gemile, only twenty miles away from his birthplace of Patara. Nicholas's name is painted on part of the ruined building. In antiquity, the island was kno...


    In the mid-7th century, Gemile was vulnerable to attack by Arab fleets, so Nicholas's remains appear to have been moved from the island to the city of Myra, where Nicholas had served as bishop for most of his life. Myra is located roughly 40 km (25 mi) east of Gemile and its location further inland made it safer from seafaring Arab forces. It is said that, in Myra, the relics of Saint Nicholas each year exuded a clear watery liquid which smelled like rose water, called manna, or myrrh, which...


    After the Battle of Manzikert in 1071, the Byzantine Empire temporarily lost control over most of Asia Minor to the invading Seljuk Turks, and so Greek Christians of Myra became subjects of the Turks. At the same time the Catholic Church in the West had declared (in 1054 AD) that the Greek church, the official church of the Byzantine Empire, was in schism. Because of the many wars in the region, some Christians were concerned that access to the tomb might become difficult. Taking advantage of...

    Among Greeks and Italians he is a favorite of sailors, fishermen, ships and sailing. As a result, and over time, he has become the patron saint of several cities which maintain harbours. In centuries of Greek folklore, Nicholas was seen as "The Lord of the Sea", often described by modern Greek scholars as a kind of Christianized version of Poseidon...

    Saint Nicholas is a popular subject portrayed on countless Eastern Orthodox icons, particularly Russian and Serbian ones. He is depicted as an Orthodox bishop, wearing the omophorion and holding a Gospel Book. Sometimes he is depicted wearing the Eastern Orthodox mitre, sometimes he is bareheaded. Iconographically, Nicholas is depicted as an elderl...

    In 1948, Benjamin Britten completed a cantata, Saint Nicolas on a text by Eric Crozier which covers the saint's legendary life in a dramatic sequence of events. A tenorsoloist appears as Saint Nicolas, with a mixed choir, boys singers, strings, piano duet, organ and percussion.

    In Spanish: Nicolás de Bari para niños 1. Saint Nicholas (European folklore) 2. Companions of Saint Nicholas 3. Saint Nicholas Day 4. Saint Nicholas, patron saint archive 5. Belznickel 6. St. Nicholas Church (disambiguation)

  3. Nicholas, the young man who lived with his uncle. "Nicholas, it is you! Thank you for helping us—I hardly know what to say!" Nicholas said, "Please, do not thank me—thank God that your prayers have been answered. Do not tell others about me." Nicholas continued helping people. He always tried to help secretly.

  4. Activities to Print. Tips for printing PDF files at bottom of page. Coloring Pictures. Thirty-two pictures plus 16 pictures telling the story of St. Nicholas' life. Cut-out St. Nicholas. Two designs. Crossword Puzzle. Word Search Level I. Print the page.

  5. A St. Nicholas Story. Once upon a time there lived far away in the East a pious man, the Bishop Nicholas. One day he heard that far in the West was a big town. In this town all the people had to suffer hunger, the children also. Then Bishop Nicholas called his servants who loved him and said to them 'Bring me the fruits of your gardens and the ...

  6. Written and illustrated by kids for kids. From Saints for Kids by Kids. When Saint Nicholas was a little boy, he shared all of his toys and gifts happily. His parents were really wealthy, and they bought wonderful things for him. No matter what he got, he shared with his friends. Saint Nicholas was always looking for ways to help people.

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