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  1. This section of the timeline of United States history includes major events from 1990 to 2009. 1990s [ edit ] 1990s in the United States: 1990 , 1991 , 1992 , 1993 , 1994 , 1995 , 1996 , 1997 , 1998 , 1999 .

    • Colonial Period
    • American Revolution
    • New Nation
    • Expansion & Pre-Civil War
    • Civil War & Reconstruction
    • Rise of Industry
    • Progressive Era
    • Great Depression & WWII
    • Cold War Era & Social Reform
    • New Millennium


    1585: The first English colony in North America is founded and called the Roanoke Colony. 1590: The Roanoke Colony is found abandoned, mysteriously disappearing. Historians still cannot definitively determine what happened to the settlers. 1607: Both the Jamestown Colony and the lost Popham Colony were founded. Jamestown was one of the first successful English coloniesin America. 1608: The Popham Colony ends in failure due to poor relations with natives and a harsh winter.


    1614: The Dutch claim the colony of New Netherland which centered around the trading city of New Amsterdam. 1619: The first African slaves arrive in Jamestown, VA. They were the first slaves in English continental North America, as there were slaves already on the English colonized island of Bermuda. 1620: The Mayflower Compact is signed and the Puritans found the Plymouth Colony. 1621: What is generally referred to as the first Thanksgiving occurs between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag nativ...


    1640: The Beaver Wars between the Iroquois nation and French escalate over the French Fur Trade. 1643: Several northeastern colonies form the New England Confederation as a military alliance against native polities. 1655: The short lived colony of New Sweden is incorporated into the Dutch colony of New Netherland. 1667: The Dutch Colony of New Netherland is ceded to the English under the Treaty of Breda.


    1763: The Treaty of Paris is signed formally ending the French and Indian War. Pontiac’s Rebellion erupts showing that conflict with Native Americans would continue as colonists encroached on frontier native land. The Royal Proclamation of 1763is issued to help limit westward expansion by the colonists. 1765: The Stamp Act of 1765generates fierce resistance and protests in the colonies over British attempts at unjust taxation.


    1773: After the 1773 Boston Tea Party, the British reacted by closing the port of Boston and passing the “Intolerable Acts,” further angering the colonists. As one of the largest American cities in 1775– Boston was a hot spot for revolutionary activity. 1775: The siege of Boston erupts and the Battle of Bunker Hill occurs giving the British a pyrrhic victory. Afterwards, the Olive Branch Petitionis sent to King George as a last attempt to avoid war with Britain. 1776: The colonists declare in...


    1786-1787: Shays’ Rebellionerupts in Massachusetts highlighting the weakness of the federal government under the Articles of Confederation. 1787-1788: The Federalist Papers are anonymously published and serve as the most influential defense of the new US Constitution. While scholars tend to highlight their differences, there were many similarities between the Federalists and anti-Federaliststhat battled for influence. 1788-1789: George Washington is unanimously electedas the first President u...


    1790: The new United States federal government encounters its first test in trying to establish a strong foundation. Hamilton’s assumption of state debts plan met fierce resistance, though eventually passed due to the important Compromise of 1790where the nation’s capital moved to Washington D.C. 1791: The Haitian Revolutionbegins with a full fledged slave revolt, alarming southern slaveholders. Lasting over a decade, the conflict saw the first successful slave revolt that established a new n...


    1795: The United States signs the Treaty of Greenville which affected Native Americansby opening up territory primarily in Ohio for settlers to continue to push westward. In foreign affairs the US negotiates the historic Pinckney’s Treatythat secured navigation along the Mississippi River — a major boon to the young nation. 1796: Just before leaving office, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton help pen the far-reaching Washington’s Farewell Address. In the address, Washington gives 3 primary...


    1816: James Monroe is elected as the fifth President of the United States beginning what is known as the “Era of Good Feelings.” An unlikely mix of supporters pass the Tariff of 1816 — a unique law which was the first tariff designed to be protectionist in nature. Tariffs formed an integral component of Henry Clay’s American Systemdesigned to spur economic growth. 1817: The underappreciated Rush-Bagot Treatyhelped lead to more peaceful relations with Britain through naval disarmament on the G...


    1820: Monroe is reelected to a second term virtually unopposed. In the far-reaching 1820 Missouri Compromise, Congress drew a line dividing the western territories into free states in the north vs slave states in the south. 1823: In his seventh annual message to Congress, James Monroe proclaims the important Monroe Doctrinewhich greatly influences US foreign policy. 1824: The election of 1824, or the “corrupt” bargain, occurs where the House of Representatives decides John Quincy Adams will b...


    1830: Anti-Native American sentiment helps lead to the Indian Removal Act of 1830. The effects of the act ripple through American society as the great Five Civilized Tribeswould be forced off their lands to move west. 1832: Jackson is reelected to a second term in office. By now, the major differences between Jeffersonian and Jacksonian Democracyare readily apparant throughout American society. The pivotal Bank War of 1832dooms the Second Bank of the United States whose charter was not renewe...


    1860: In one of the most divisive elections in history, Abraham Lincoln is elected as the sixteenth President of the United States. Just months later South Carolina would secede from the Union. 1861: Great Britain is nearly drawn into the US Civil War via the Trent Affair. 1863: The Union army scores desperately needed victories at the Battle of Gettysburg and monumental Battle of Vicksburg. The victories turned the tide of the Civil War as the Confederates never fully recovered from the loss...


    1870: Congress enacts the first federal holiday lawgiving paid time off to federal workers. 1872: Grant easily wins reelection with a wide popular and electoral vote margin. 1876: In one of the most contested elections in US history, the Compromise of 1877 gives Rutherford B. Hayes the Presidency over Samuel Tilden in exchange for the understanding that Hayes would remove federal troops from the south and end the period of Reconstruction.


    1880: James A. Garfield wins the election of 1880 and becomes the twentieth President of the United States. 1881: Garfield is assassinated by a radical member of his own political party. Vice President Chester A. Arthur becomes the twenty-first President of the United States. 1883: The Pendleton Act of 1883is passed leading to massive reforms to civil service in the United States. 1884: Grover Cleveland becomes the first Democratic President (and twenty-second overall) since James Buchanan in...


    1892: Grover Cleveland wins a rematch of the 1888 election and assumes the presidency once more. He is the only person to date to be elected in non-consecutive terms and is thus the twenty-second and also twenty-fourth President of the United States. 1896: William McKinley wins the election of 1896 and becomes the twenty-fifth President of the United States. 1898: The USS Maine explodes in Havana harbor contributing to the outbreak of the Spanish-American war a few months later. The popular n...


    1900: William McKinley wins a rematch of the 1896 election, once again defeating the Democratic challenger William Jennings Bryan. 1901: McKinley is assassinated by a self-proclaimed anarchist in Buffalo, New York. Vice President Theodore Roosevelt succeeds him becoming the twenty-sixth President of the United States. 1904: Theodore Roosevelt wins reelection becoming the first President to win a full term in office after ascending to the Presidency via the death of the previous President. In...


    1911: Following the 1906 Sherman Anti-Trust Act and a lengthy five year appeal, the Supreme Court upholds the dissolution of the Standard Oil Companyinto 34 independent companies. 1912: Woodrow Wilson is elected as the twenty-eighth President of the United States. Wilson was the first Democratic president since Grover Cleveland taking advantage of a split Republican ticket between Taft and Roosevelt. Over 1,500 people die on the Titanic’s maiden voyage— one of the worst non-military maritime...


    1920: Warren G Harding becomes the twenty-ninth President in a landslide victory. His margin of victory in the popular vote remains the highest since James Monroe ran virtually unopposed in 1820. 1923: Harding suffers a heart attack and dies while on a tour of the west coast. Calvin Coolidge succeeds him as the thirtieth President of the United States. 1924: Coolidge wins reelection in one of the lowest voter turnoutsin the modern era since official records were kept. 1928: The Secretary of C...

    1932: Mired in the Great Depression, Franklin Delano Roosevelt defeats Hoover in a landslide to become the thirty-second President of the United States. 1934: The Dust Bowlbegins as severe drought impacts the Great Plains region for the next decade. 1936: Roosevelt easily wins reelection with another landslide victory carrying all but two states.

    1948: Though considered an underdog, Truman shockingly wins reelection to another term in office in 1948.


    1992: H. W. Bush is defeated by Bill Clinton in a race where 3rd party candidate Ross Perot received a significant amount of the popular vote. Clinton becomes the forty-second President of the United States. 1996: Clinton is reelected to a second term in office.


    2000: George W. Bush defeats Al Gore in a highly controversial election that was decided by the Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore. Bush would be the forty-third President of the United States. 2004: Riding a wave of patriotism, Bush wins reelection over Senator John Kerry. 2008: Barack Obama wins a historic election, becoming the first African American man elected President. Obama became the forty-fourth President of the United States.


    2012: Obama wins reelection, though by a slightly narrower margin than his 2008 victory. 2016: Donald Trump becomes the forty-fifth President of the United States.

  2. This article is part of a series on the History of the United States Timeline and periods Prehistoric and Pre-Columbian Era until 1607 Colonial Era 1607–1765 1776–1789 American Revolution 1765–1783 Confederation Period 1783–1788 1789–1815 Federalist Era 1788–1801 Jeffersonian Era 1801–1817 1815–1849 Era of Good Feelings 1817–1825 Jacksonian Era 1825–1849 1849–1865 Civil ...

  3. The history of the lands that became the United States began with the arrival of the first people in the Americas around 15,000 BC. Numerous indigenous cultures formed, and many saw transformations in the 16th century away from more densely populated lifestyles and towards reorganized polities elsewhere. The European colonization of the Americas began in the late 15th century, although most ...

  4. History of the United States (19801991) Timeline of United States history (19902009) List of years in the United States

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