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  1. May 28, 2024 / Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe Answers: Altucher’s “NVIDIA’s Silent Partner” Poised to 100X in 2025 — Who’s NVIDIA’s “Tiny Back Door Contractor” teased in the “Deadline May 28” pitch?

  2. 6 days ago · Doc Gumshoe looks at inflammation -- cancer, arthritis, statins, and hope for new treatments... 16 Comments Read More. June 24, 2024 / Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe.

  3. Two “Miracle Material” Graphene Teases — Gilder and Koyfman on the “$11 Trillion Opportunity”. What's Koyfman teasing with his special report, ""Graphene: An Exclusive Guide to the Next Millionaire-Maker?" 16 Comments Read Article.

  4. Sep 23, 2021 · Overview. Name: Stock Gumshoe. Founder: Travis Johnson. Service: Investment newsletters and teasers analysis. Cost: Basic - Free, Monthly - $7, Yearly - $59, Lifetime - $329. Website: Address: 351 Pleasant St., Ste. B #205, Northampton, MA 01060. Numbers: Fax - (866) 516-7341, Phone - (617) 249-4867 (toll free)

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  6. What's Jeff Brown talking about when he hints at the "5g Device Everyone Will Need" this year? Answers and some context and discussion in our article...

  7. Stock market detective cracks the headlines sent to you. This is a must have, the newsletter for everyone. It follows the leads and finds the clues to which stocks are being touted in the headlines sent to your inbox. It is done in an entertaining and irreverent way with good analytics thrown in, it is one email I look forward to reading. Helpful.

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