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    • Approximately $1.27 trillion

      • Upwork's Freelance Forward survey, a representative study of 3,000 professionals, found freelancers contributed approximately $1.27 trillion in annual earnings to the U.S. economy in 2023.
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  2. Dec 12, 2023 · The Freelance Workforce. In 2023, 38% of the U.S. workforce, or 64 million Americans, performed freelance work, an increase from 60 million professionals in 2022. This increase also contributed to a more significant economic impact. This year, freelancers contributed $1.27 trillion to the U.S. economy in annual earnings.

  3. Mar 12, 2021 · Signs that freelancers will have more access to earning opportunities in 2024. In a recent study, Upwork reported a staggering 59 million Americans freelanced in the past year. This number will likely continue to increase in 2023 based on the following indicators of growth in the freelancing economy.

  4. Feb 6, 2023 · With an average median rate of $28 an hour, skilled service freelancers make 70% more money than average traditional workers across the nation. All other freelancers have an average hourly rate of $20, $1.20 more than the overall average median hourly rate for workers in the U.S.

    • How much money did freelance make in 2023?1
    • How much money did freelance make in 2023?2
    • How much money did freelance make in 2023?3
    • How much money did freelance make in 2023?4
  5. A Recap of 2023. The year 2023 saw the freelance economy reach new heights in terms of participation and economic contribution. 1.57 billion. As of 2023, the global online freelance market has reached 1.57 billion freelancers worldwide. $1.5 trillion.

    • General Freelance Statistics
    • Freelance Demographic Statistics
    • Freelance Job Satisfaction Statistics
    • Freelance Growth Statistics
    • Freelancer Earning Statistics
    • Popular Freelance Jobs Statistics
    • Freelance Market Share/Platforms
    • Future of Freelancing
    • Freelance Trends
    • Conclusion

    1. There are 1.57 billion freelancers in the world out of a total global workforce of 3.38 billion people.

    (EarthWeb) 1.57 billion people are working as freelancers, which is a considerably high number when compared to the total global workforce of 3.38 billion people. This indicates that freelancing is getting even more popular. Freelancing is one of the best ways to legitimately make money from home. The ratio of freelancers to the total global workforce is approximately 46%, meaning that almost half of the world's workforce is made up of individuals who work as freelancers. This highlights the...

    2. The global freelance platform industry is projected to be worth $18.3 billion by 2031. This is a sharp increase from the $5.1 billion in 2022. The industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 15.1%.

    (Growth Market Reports) The global freelance platform industry includes online marketplaces that connect businesses or individuals with freelance workers. Some of these online marketplaces include Upwork, Indeed, ZipRecruiter, and so on. The projection suggests that the industry will experience a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.1% over the period from 2022 to 2031. This indicates that the industry is expected to grow at a relatively high rate each year for the next decade, resulting...

    3. There are over 70.4 million freelancers in the U.S.

    (Zippia) The total number of freelancers in the U.S. increased by 20% between 2021-2022. This proves that the freelance workforce in the U.S. is rapidly growing. The statistics show that this number is approximately 36% of the U.S. workforce. The total workforce in the U.S. is estimated at 164.3 million. In 2020, the total number of American freelancers was 59 million (Upwork). In 2022, it was over 70 million. In the next few years, this number is expected to increase as more freelancers are...

    7. 33% of workers in the creative industry are independent contractors or self-employed.

    (Ask Wonder) One-third of all freelancers work in fields such as graphic design, writing, photography, video production, and other creative professions. The creative industry is so prevalent within the freelance economy because of its project-based work. Companies require specialized skills for specific tasks. This makes hiring freelancers with specific skills and expertise a more cost-effective solution than hiring full-time staff with those skills. Additionally, the nature of creative work...

    8. The rate of women's participation in freelancing increased from 24% in 2019 to 29% in 2021.

    (Payoneer) More women are now working as freelancers compared to the past. The Covid-19 pandemic has a role to play in this increase. Other reasons can be the flexibility that freelancing offers, the ability to work from home, and the availability of online platforms that facilitate freelancing.

    9. The combined total of creative workers from each of the top 5 regions is 10,174,705.

    (Ask Wonder) This is broken down as follows: 1. North America: 1,602,700 2. Europe: 2,549,000 3. Latin America + Caribbean: 1,040,000 4. Asia Pacific: 4,191,000 5. Africa + Middle East: 792,000

    21. Full-time freelancers rate their job satisfaction an average of 4.1 out of 5.

    (Payoneer) This shows that independent workers are satisfied with their work as opposed to traditional employment. They enjoy the flexibility and autonomy this work provides. This job satisfaction can result from the fact that they choose the types of projects they work on.

    22. 84% of full-time freelancers say freelancing allows them to live on their own terms, which is 21% higher than regular full-time workers.


    23. Nearly 80% of workers choose to freelance to have more independence and be their own boss.

    ( Flexibility is one of the greatest benefits of freelancing. Almost 80% of workers prefer freelancing because of the flexible work hours and convenience. You are in charge of your time. In addition to these statistics, 69% of the surveyed respondents say freelancing allows them to work with interesting clients.

    25. 73% of freelancers say their perceptions of freelancing as a career are becoming more positive. This is an increase from 68% in 2021.

    (HCM Technology Report) The increased recognition of freelancing as a respectable employment option may be causing a rise in positive perception. Freelancing is now seen as a full career option rather than a “side hustle” or a short-term job. The COVID-19 pandemic made it possible for people to embrace freelancing opportunities better. Due to the widespread use of remote work, there is a greater need for freelance talent, which makes it simpler for independent workers to get employment and bu...

    26. 17% of U.S. workers are diversified. This means that they seek multiple sources of income, mixing traditional employment and freelance work.

    (Staffing Industry Analysts) A growing number of workers are looking for alternative sources of income to augment their regular jobs. This number is a 3% increase from 2021. The trend toward diverse income may be significantly influenced by economic instability. Many people are turning to freelance work as a method to increase their income and establish a safety net as job security becomes more difficult.

    27. The global freelance platform market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 15.1% and reach $ 18.3 billion by 2028.


    28. 55% of freelance workers earn under $50,000 per year.

    (Finance Online) The majority of freelance workers earn less than $50,000 per year. There are various reasons why freelance workers may earn less than their salaried counterparts. These include the fact that they typically have to cover their own expenses, such as health insurance and office supplies. The competitiveness of the freelancing market is another reason why freelancers earn less money.

    29. In 2021, the average per-hour rate for freelancers worldwide increased to $28. This is a significant increase from the average rate of $21 in 2019.

    (Payoneer) This shows that the per-hour rate of freelancers is rapidly increasing compared to the early years. Additionally, 40% of surveyed freelancers said their hourly rates had increased since the pandemic started.

    30. 33% of freelancers had a gross profit of less than $21,000.

    (Freelancer Map)

    40. 70% of freelancers claim to juggle between 2 and 4 projects at the same time.

    (Moxie) Several freelancers are juggling multiple projects at the same time and dividing their time and attention between them. Having multiple projects can provide a degree of flexibility and variety in their work, which could be beneficial for their job satisfaction and creativity. However, sometimes working on several projects all at once could lead to burnout or stress and could also compromise the quality of their work. Though many freelancers are adept at managing multiple projects simu...

    41. 91% of freelancers find work through word of mouth or referrals, mostly from past clients.

    (Moxie) Most independent workers find work as a result of recommendations or referrals from previous clients. For freelancers, prior clients are a crucial source of referrals. Independent contractors who deliver high-quality work and uphold strong working relationships are more likely to get recommendations and obtain additional jobs as a result. An essential component of being a successful freelancer, in general, is networking and developing relationships with clients. Additionally, developi...

    42. In a recent survey, 25.7% of U.S. freelancers say they started freelancing out of necessity to support their family's basic needs.


    44. Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer are the top 3 popular freelancing platforms.

    (Outsource Accelerator) Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer are among the most commonly used and best freelance job websitesin the world. They make it possible for freelancers to find work and for clients to hire freelancers for a range of services. These platforms have become household names in the world of freelancing due to their user-friendly interfaces, vast network of freelancers, and diverse job categories that cater to different client types.

    45. Approximately 50% of Fortune 500 companies use Upwork.

    (Freelance MVP)

    46. In 2022, Upwork generated over U.S. $618.32 million in revenue.

    (Freelance MVP) The term “revenue” describes all of the money that a business makes from its operations, including the selling of goods or services. Upwork’s revenue is expected to reach between $655 – $670 million before the end of 2023. The platform has experienced a 27.3% increase in revenue for 4 consecutive years.

    54. 67% of freelancers working full time expect their income to rise in the next year.

    (Skillspot) A significant number of freelancers are optimistic about their financial prospects in the near future. The reasons for this optimism could be the development of new skills, an increase in demand for services, or a rise in the freelancer’s rate.

    55. 90% of freelancers believe that the best days are ahead for the freelancing industry.

    (Upwork) This statistic just shows that the future of freelancing is bright. Freelancing is here to stay. It has allowed people to work on their terms and increase their sources of income.

    56. The total number of U.S. freelancers is expected to increase to 86.5 million people by 2027.

    (Statista) This total number will make up 50.9% of the entire U.S. workforce. In the U.S., the number of freelancers and remote workers is increasing. Over half of the U.S. workforce will be freelancing soon.

    The freelance industry has witnessed tremendous growth by various causes, including changes in the workforce, technological advancements, and evolving views on work-life balance. Freelancers operate on a project-by-project basis for clients rather than being employed on a full-time basis. They are also known as independent contractors or gig worker...

    These Freelance statistics paint a clear picture of the current and future state of the gig economy. With the rise of technology and the internet, more people are choosing to work independently. The total number of freelancers is only expected to increase in the coming years. As a freelancer (or intending freelancer), it's important to pay attentio...

  6. Dec 12, 2023 · Upwork's Freelance Forward survey, a representative study of 3,000 professionals, found freelancers contributed approximately $1.27 trillion in annual earnings to the U.S. economy in 2023.

  7. Mar 9, 2024 · In 2023, 64 million Americans did freelance work. That's up 4 million from 60 million in 2022. Based on the results of the 2023 study, 38% of the U.S. workforce freelanced last year.

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