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      • While souvenirs can be given as gifts, they are not always intended to be gifts. Sometimes, people purchase souvenirs for themselves as a way to remember a particular place or event. For example, if you buy a t-shirt from a concert that you attended, that would be considered a souvenir. › blog › souvenir-vs-gift
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  2. While they are often used interchangeably, there is a subtle distinction between them. A souvenir is an item that is purchased as a memento of a trip or an event, typically for oneself. On the other hand, a gift is something that is given to someone as a token of affection or appreciation.

    • Side Note on These Gifting Rules
    • Gifting Etiquette: The 10 Gifting Rules Everyone Should Know
    • Gifting Etiquette: 8 Taboos We Should Break
    • Gifting Etiquette: 5 Things You Should Avoid
    • Final Note on Gift-Giving Etiquette

    Keep in mind that the gifting etiquette we’re talking about today relates to the non-business gifting etiquette. Business giftsare something completely different because the intention of the gift and the relationship between the giver and receiver is different. So please, if you are looking for the etiquette of gifting for work, you came to the wro...

    #1 Gifting etiquette is culturally dependent

    Alright, the first rule of today is also a confusing one. Because basically, it says: that the rules of gift giving vary around the world. So why on earth did I say everyone needs to know these gifting etiquette rules if it’s different around the world? Well, because even though some rules are culturally dependent, there are also rules that should be universally known. And one of them is, that you should respect the gifting etiquette of each country. So before you buy a gift, make sure you’ve...

    #2 Gifting is about the receiver

    Now, this is one of the gifting rules everyone should understand. It is not about you. It’s not about showing off any of the following 1. how rich you are 2. how much effort you put into the gift 3. how thoughtful you are 4. how well you know the recipient. I know, it’s very tempting to find gifts that show the above statements. But if you’ve checked my guide on how to give great gifts, you may remember that all these things do not influence how the receiver evaluates the gift. Multiple studi...

    #3 It’s the thought that counts

    It’s a cliché to say that it’s the thought that counts and if you ask the receivers it’s not even entirely true. Wait, what? Studies show that the actual gift is at least equally (and in some cases even more) as important as the thought that was put into it. (Source) So why did I include this as a gifting rule everyone should know? Well, two reasons. First, I want to urge every receiver of gifts (which is basically anyone) to always appreciate the simple fact that someone cared enough for you...

    #11 It’s okay to not give something unique

    We all want to give amazing gifts and many of us think that we can only achieve this by giving something unique. Don’t worry if you are one of those many (so am I). It’s just that research has shown that receivers often prefer generic and more useful gifts over super unique ones. (Source) So this is one of the gifting rules we should all remember if we want to step up our giving game; it’s okay to not be unique.

    #12 It’s okay to ask what someone wants

    I know it’s still taboo to ask a receiver what they would like to have. It takes away the surprise and it makes it seem as if you don’t want to put in any thought and effort to pick a gift yourself. But receivers actually don’t care about that, they prefer solicited gifts over thoughtful ones. (Source) And you know what? The fact that you asked, actually shows that you put in a lot of thought and the right kind of thought. The thought of “How can I give person X the best gift?”. I know I said...

    #13 Money and gift cards are acceptable gifts

    Here is another taboo I want you to break. Gift cards and money don’t necessarily mean that you haven’t put any thought into this gift. Again, just as with asking the receiver, it shows that you put in the right kind of thought: “How can I really make person X happy?” Plus, this is another example where givers’ and receivers’ perspectives vary. From the giver’s perspective, it seems like a generic and unthoughtful gift, but from the receiver’s perspective, it’s a great gift. Did you know that...

    #19 Don’t make gifting awkward for the receiver

    Unless you know each other really well and your relationship is based on pranking each other, you should try to avoid embarrassing the receiver. So don’t give a whole speech to someone who hates being in the middle of attention. Don’t say it was a really expensive gift. Don’t gift something awkward in front of other people. It might be funny for you, but remember, this is about the receiver, not you. Basically, try to make giving as comfortable for the receiver as possible.

    #20 Don’t make giving awkward for the people around

    For proper gift-giving etiquette, there are two things you want to avoid when there are other people around the receiver. First, you don’t want to make people feel left out because you brought a gift for one person and not for them. And second, you don’t want to make people feel bad about themselves because they didn’t bring a gift for the recipient. So if there are other people around the receiver, wait until you have a private moment together to give your gift.

    #21 Don’t gift things that can be a burden unless you’re 100% certain

    Put yourself in the receiver’s shoes and ask yourself this question: “Will they enjoy using this gift or will it be a burden?“. For example, don’t gift your grandmother who doesn’t understand technology a high-tech alarm clock. Instead, give her a simple one she can use right away. And don’t gift a coffee machine that only uses expensive cups (unless you know they want it). You are literally forcing the receiver to buy these expensive cups just to use your gift.

    Alright, these were the 15 gift giving rules that I think everyone should know. I hope we can break some useless gifting etiquettes and taboos here and all learn the true art of giving

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  3. Good gift giving is an art. The perfect present can lift a mood or improve a relationship. It can repair a wrongdoing, or simply remind a loved one that you care.

    • Gifts That Keep on Giving. By spending money on a gift for someone else, you are already likely to buy more happiness compared to spending that money on yourself.
    • Something to Look Forward to. We all look forward to celebrations and receiving gifts, but some gifts, such as tickets to an event, also give us something else to look forward to in the future, rather than being immediately rewarding.
    • What Did You Expect? Research with monkeys can tell us about what happens in our brains when we receive good things. Source: Mikhail Nilov/Pexels. From the research above on anticipating rewards, we might think we can improve giving a gift by talking a lot about it in advance to build up the excitement.
    • Know the little-known meaning of “thank you.” By definition, the phrase “Thank you” doesn’t mean you like the gift (or whatever it is that you’re saying thank you for).
    • Open the card first. Opening the card first shows you have more interest in the sentiment behind the present than what’s in the bag or box you’re about to open.
    • Have the giver present in the room. Gift givers are kind enough to search for, buy, wrap, and bring you gifts. During the holidays, at a party, or one-on-one, it’s gracious to open presents in front of them so they are there for the “unveiling” and so you can thank them in the moment.
    • Say thank you in this special way. You want to say thank you, but not just in any old way. You want to make sure your thank you includes these four elements (in any order) for maximum gratitude impact
  4. Jul 6, 2023 · It shows that we have put thought and effort into selecting a gift that is tailored to the recipient’s interests, tastes, and personality. In this section, we will explore the importance of personalization and how it can make all the difference in choosing the perfect gift for any occasion.

  5. The gift isn't one that the original giver took great care to select or make. It's not handmade or personalized (think monogrammed or engraved). Simply put, you have to make sure you don't hurt anyone's feelings —either the original giver's or the new recipient's.

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