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  1. 3 days ago · Take some photos and upload them to meet our monthly thematic challenge, get inspiration and try new subjects! Learn more about the challenges!

  2. Explore your world, find a quick fact, or dive down a Wikipedia rabbit hole with the official Wikipedia app for iOS. With more than 40 million articles across nearly 300 languages, your favorite free online encyclopedia is at your fingertips.

  3. › wiki › EncyclopediaEncyclopedia - Wikipedia

    Indeed, the purpose of an encyclopedia is to collect knowledge disseminated around the globe; to set forth its general system to the men with whom we live, and transmit it to those who will come after us, so that the work of preceding centuries will not become useless to the centuries to come; and so that our offspring, becoming better instructed, will at the same time become more virtuous and ...

  4. Abad Pertengahan dalam sejarah Eropa berlangsung dari abad ke-5 sampai abad ke-15 Masehi. Abad Pertengahan bermula sejak runtuhnya Kekaisaran Romawi Barat dan masih berlanjut manakala Eropa mulai memasuki Abad Pembaharuan dan Abad Penjelajahan.

  5. › wiki › Wikipedia:ContentsWikipedia:Contents

    Explore the vast knowledge of Wikipedia through these helpful resources. If you have a specific topic in mind, use Wikipedia's search box. If you don't know exactly what you are looking for or wish to explore broad areas, click on a link in the header menu at the top of this page, or begin your browsing below:

  6. Stadsplanering i Sverige på ett organiserat sätt tog sin början under 1600-talets första hälft. Genom militära framgångar i trettioåriga kriget hade Sverige fått en ledande ställning i Nordeuropa och en uppryckning av stadsväsendet sågs som en förutsättning för att landet skulle kunna uppfylla sin stormaktsroll, både administrativt och med ett imponerande yttre.

  7. Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia! Click change this page to change an article. What is Wikipedia? Wikipedia is an encyclopedia that is written by many of its readers.

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