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  1. emlyon is a leading international and European business school in France, Europe. A range of programs: BBA, Masters, MBA and executive education.

  2. Discover the range of programs delivered by emlyon business school : BBA, Masters, Masters of Science, MBA, certificates, PhD and more.

  3. Emlyon Business School is a private business school in Lyon, France, established in 1872, and affiliated with the Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry. A grande école de commerce, Emlyon Business School offers a wide range of academic programs, including the Global BBA, Masters in Management, M.Sc. in Finance, MBA, and Exec.

  4. emlyon business school, une grande école de commerce proposant le Programme Grande Ecole, des MS, MSc in, un MBA ainsi que de la formation continue.

  5. Join emlyon business school's International MBA and prepare yourself for an international leadership position and a large exciting network.

  6. Join emlyon business school's Global BBA, Bachelor in Business Administration, a program that prepares you for operational management.

  7. Join emlyon business school's International MBA and discover how this International program has been designed, to provide you will all the tools you need to reach your career goals.

  8. Find the Master's program that suits to you: grande ecole program, Mastère Spécialisé®, Master of Science, International MBA,BBA.

  9. Learn more about studying at emlyon business school including how it performs in QS rankings, the cost of tuition and further course information.

  10. A unique and deeply rooted business school. The School hosts 8,900 students representing 121 nationalities in undergraduate and postgraduate programs, along with nearly 6,900 participants in executive education programs.

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