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    Meet the Press

    1947 · Interview · 77 seasons

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    • Season 77
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    • Season 47 overview
      May 1-Dec 25, 1994
      35 episodes
      Season 47 episodes
      52. S47 E52 Dec 25, 1994
      • Congress and the presidency; politicians and the public; with House Speaker Tom Foley ; Sen. George Mitchell.
    • 51. S47 E51 Dec 18, 1994
      • Taxes, budgets, deficits: the 104th Congress; with Sen. Pete Domenici ; Sen. Bob Packwood ; Rep. John Kasich ; Rep. Bill Archer.
    • 50. S47 E50 Dec 11, 1994
      • Controlling the budget vs. protecting benefits programs; with Sen. Robert Kerrey ; Sen. John C. Danforth.
    • 49. S47 E49 Dec 4, 1994
      • The new Republican House; with Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.).
    • 48. S47 E48 Nov 27, 1994
      • Bosnia, NATO, GATT and the Republican Senate; with Defense Secretary William Perry; Sen. Bob Dole.
    • 47. S47 E47 Nov 20, 1994
      • The Republican governors; with Gov. Pete Wilson ; Gov. Christine Todd Whitman ; Gov. William Weld ; Gov. Tommy Thompson.
    • 46. S47 E46 Nov 13, 1994
      • The Republican Congress; with Sen. Phil Gramm ; Sen. Alfonse D'Amato ; Rep. Dick Gephardt.
    • 45. S47 E45 Nov 6, 1994
      • Elections '94: down to the wire; with Vice President Gore; Sen. Bob Dole (R-Kan.).
    • 44. S47 E44 Oct 30, 1994
      • The '94 elections: policies and polls; with George Stephanopoulos, senior adviser to the president; William Kristol, Project for the Republican Future; Peter Hart, Democratic pollster; Robert Teeter, Republican pollster.
    • 43. S47 E43 Oct 23, 1994
      • James Carville; Ed Rollins.
    • 42. S47 E42 Oct 16, 1994
      • Victims: Where do we place the blame? With the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rainbow Coalition; William Bennett, Empower America; Secretary of State Warren Christopher discusses the situations in Haiti and Iraq.
    • 41. S47 E41 Oct 9, 1994
      • Interviews with public figures and those making news and setting the political agenda.
    • 40. S47 E40 Oct 2, 1994
      • Elections '94: Republican promises and Democratic woes; with House Speaker Tom Foley; Rep. Newt Gingrich.
    • 39. S47 E39 Sep 25, 1994
      • Haiti, Russia and other trouble spots; with Defense Secretary William Perry; Sen. Sam Nunn (D-Ga.).
    • 38. S47 E38 Sep 18, 1994
      • Interviews with public figures and those making news and setting the political agenda.
    • 37. S47 E37 Sep 11, 1994
      • Haiti, Cuba and other foreign policy dilemmas; with Secretary of State Warren Christopher; Sen. John McCain.
    • 36. S47 E36 Sep 4, 1994
      • The Cairo Population Conference; with Vice President Gore; Bishop James McHugh of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops; Rep. Chris Smith.
    • 35. S47 E35 Aug 28, 1994
      • Cuba and Congress: What next? With Sen. Richard Lugar ; Peter Tarnoff, undersecretary of state for political affairs.
    • 34. S47 E34 Aug 21, 1994
      • Interviews with public figures and those making news and setting the political agenda.
    • 33. S47 E33 Aug 14, 1994
      • Health-care reform: The debate is on; with Sen. Bob Dole (R-Kan.); Sen. George Mitchell (D-Maine).
    • 32. S47 E32 Aug 7, 1994
      • White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta; Donald Fehr, Major League Baseball Players Association.
    • 31. S47 E31 Jul 31, 1994
      • Whitewater hearings; Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.); Sen. Alfonse D'Amato (R-N.Y.).
    • 30. S47 E30 Jul 24, 1994
      • Health care: decision time; with Vice President Gore; Sen. George Mitchell (D-Maine).
    • 29. S47 E29 Jul 17, 1994
      • Haiti, crime, health care and other issues; with White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta; Rep. Kweisi Mfume.
    • 28. S47 E28 Jul 10, 1994
      • Haiti and other U.S. foreign policy problems; with Secretary of State Warren Christopher; Sen. John McCain.
    • 27. S47 E27 Jul 3, 1994
      • FBI Director Louis Freeh; crime at home and abroad.
    • 26. S47 E26 Jun 26, 1994
      • Politics and the religious right; health care and welfare reform; with Jack Kemp, former HUD secretary; Robert E. Rubin, assistant to the president for economic policy.
    • 25. S47 E25 Jun 19, 1994
      • Health care -- the big decisions; with Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan ; Rep. Newt Gingrich.
    • 24. S47 E24 Jun 12, 1994
      • Walter Mondale, U.S. ambassador to Japan; Harold Ickes, deputy White House chief of staff; Sen. John Breaux.
    • 23. S47 E23 Jun 5, 1994
      • British and French ceremonies commemorate the 50th anniversary of D-Day; re-enactment of the parachute jump at St. Mere Eglise.