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  1. fanfiction - the new blog in LiveJournal. There should be new interesting records soon.

  2. fanfiction in communities. A place to ask questions, and answer them. For fanworks exploring the Buffy (the Vampire Slayer) and Spike (the Vampire) 'ship. A community for anonymous fandom-related secrets.

  3. Are you tired of writing the same fic over and over? Have you always wanted to write a fic about a certain character, but haven't found the opportunity? Are you willing to write just about anything, but haven't?

  4. Title: Domestic Bliss. Author: betawho. Rating: G. Characters: 12th Doctor, River Song. Words: 295. Summary: They'd taken a house for their 24 year long night on Darillium. It was novel for both of them to actually live together.

  5. Spoilers: The Dark Knight, Inception, Iron Man II. Disclaimer: These characters are the intellectual property of various authors, creators, producers, and corporate copyright holders, none of which are me.

  6. Fic: Earth's Distant Star. Title: Earth's Distant Star Author: badly_knitted Characters: Jack, Ianto. Rating: PG Word Count: 1135 Spoilers: Nada. Summary: Jack and Ianto are so far from earth that the sun is just another star in the sky. Written For: Weekend Challenge Prompt, ‘It's A…. telperion_15 wrote in primeval_denial.

  7. fanfic-archive.livejournal.comFanFiction Archive

    Hey I've just made an award site for CSI (all three) fanfiction and music videos. If you're interested please let me know and i'll send you the link (i'm still putting it up at the moment as my computers being very slow.

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