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  1. What do Catholics believe about Jesus? Here are the belief of the Catholic Church, regarding Jesus Christ.

  2. Nov 25, 2015 · How do Catholics talk about Jesus, conceive of him, and connect with him? “When people say, ‘What would Jesus do?’ I say, which one?” Martin says with a laugh. Jesus has always been a figure whom some will try to mold to the perceived needs of the time—and then reinterpret when times change.

  3. Learn about the life of Jesus, and what Catholics believe about Him. Jesus was the Son of God who became man for the sake of mankind. He suffered for our sins, died and was buried. On the third day he arose from the dead in fulfillment of the scriptures.

  4. What do Catholics believe about this Jesus? Truly God, truly human. He’s the Son of God of course. And in that designation “Son” is wrapped up a world of meaning. First, Jesus is the full and complete revelation of God. Jesus makes the invisible God visible to us and real in a way we can access and engage.

  5. Catholics find that meaning and hope in Jesus Christ, whom God the Father has sent into the world for the salvation of all peoples. But the world can be a disturbing place. There is war and anxiety because of terrorism.

  6. Jesus is the ultimate Source of everything Catholics believe, for he reveals God’s plan to save the world from sin as he reveals the Father’s love. Jesus does this because he is the Son of God. He is always united with his Father and thus is the fullness of both Revelation.

  7. This article teaches that Jesus Christ is the Redeemer promised to Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:15, the only Son of God, and by that very fact, Lord of all Creation. He is the second Person of the Holy Trinity, sent to the world by the Father to become man and save us from our sins.

  8. Christians differ a bit on what things can be traced to him -Catholics say the teachings of the Church, Protestants say just what's in the Bible but we all believe his teachings ultimately because we believe him.

  9. The Nicene Creed (the Christian statement of beliefs) that is regularly declared by Catholics states what we believe about Jesus: I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God,

  10. Jesus Christ was sent by the Father "to announce the Good News to the poor" ( Lk 4, 18). He was —and still is— the first Messenger of the Father, the first Evangelizer, as we already said in the previous catechesis with the same words that Paul VI uses in Evangelii nuntiandi .

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