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  1. While skin cancer pictures can be helpful in learning what skin cancer can look like, getting to know your own skin and understanding what to look for can help you detect cancer early when it’s easiest to cure. That’s why you should examine your skin once a month.

    • Overview
    • What is basal cell carcinoma of the nose?
    • What are the symptoms of basal cell carcinoma?
    • What does basal cell carcinoma of the nose look like?
    • What causes basal cell carcinoma of the nose and who’s at risk?
    • How is basal cell carcinoma of the nose diagnosed?
    • How is basal cell carcinoma of the nose treated?
    • What’s the outlook for people with basal cell carcinoma of the nose?
    • Takeaway

    Basal cell carcinomas of the nose are slow-growing and treatable if caught early. You may need medical attention if patches or bumps on your nose, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors.

    Basal cell carcinoma is a type of skin cancer. It can develop on skin areas that have been exposed to the ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. This includes your nose.

    When it appears on your nose, basal cell carcinoma may look like a thin yellow area, a reddish patch, a clear bump, or an open sore that won’t heal.

    Basal carcinoma is slow growing and is typically very treatable. Surgery to remove the tumor is the treatment of choice. Although options such as radiation, immunotherapy, and cryotherapy may also be used.

    Basal cell carcinoma is a type of skin cancer. About 80% of all skin cancer in people is basal carcinoma. Basal cancers start in the basal cell layer, or surface layer, of your skin.

    Basal cell carcinoma grows slowly. Typically, basal carcinoma of the nose can be surgically removed before it spreads to other areas. But if it’s left untreated, it’s possible for the cancer to spread to your bones and nearby tissues.

    Basal carcinoma appears on skin surfaces. Basal carcinoma of the nose appears on the surface area of your nose. When basal cell carcinoma first develops, it can be mistaken for acne, bug bites, moles, or rashes. Symptoms of basal cell carcinoma to be aware of include:

    •reddish patches on your nose

    •itchy patches

    •small, clear, and shiny bumps that might have blue, brown, or black areas in them

    •flat and firm areas that are pale or yellow and resemble scars

    •open sores that don’t heal or that heal and come back

    Basal cell carcinoma can appear differently depending on the exact type and your skin tone. You can see examples of basal cell carcinoma in the image gallery below.

    There’s no way to 100% predict basal carcinoma of the nose. But, as is the case with all skin cancer, it’s known that exposure to UV light is the most significant risk factor. UV light damages your skin and, over time, can lead to cancer. Additional risk factors for basal cell carcinoma of the nose include:

    •tanning bed use

    •repeated sunburns

    •having a fair or light-skinned complexion

    •exposure to arsenic and certain other chemicals

    •exposure to radiation from previous cancer treatments

    The first step in getting treatment for basal cell carcinoma of the nose is to make an appointment with a doctor or healthcare professional if you notice any unusual skin discolorations or bumps on your nose.

    A doctor will ask you about your symptoms. For example, they may ask when you first noticed anything unusual on your nose. They’ll also ask you about your history of sun exposure and about any family history of cancer.

    For the physical portion of the exam, they’ll examine the area you suspect might be cancer. They might also check nearby areas, such as your lymph nodes, which can swell if the cancer has spread.

    A skin biopsy will be done to determine if the area is cancer. In some cases, the entire area is removed during the biopsy. This sometimes resolves basal cell carcinoma of the nose before a final diagnosis has been confirmed.

    Treatment for basal cell carcinoma of the nose depends on the size, type, and location of your cancer. The most common treatment is surgery to remove the tumor. During a surgical procedure, a doctor will remove the cancerous area and might also remove some of the healthy skin around it to ensure it doesn’t grow back.

    Sometimes, a special kind of surgery called Mohs’ surgery is done. During Mohs’ surgery, skin in the affected area is removed one layer at a time. Each removed layer is then checked for cancer. Layers are removed until all cancerous layers are gone.

    If surgery can’t be done, or if further treatment is needed, you might also have:

    •Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy can kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. It can help treat tumors and can help stop the spread of cancer.

    •Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy uses freezing temperatures to shrink and destroy small tumors.

    •Superficial tumor treatment: Tumors that are very close to the surface of your skin can sometimes be treated with methods such as topical chemotherapy, photodynamic therapy, or immune response modifiers.

    The outlook for people with basal cell carcinoma of the nose is generally positive.

    According to the American Cancer Society, about 5.4 million Americans receive a diagnosis of any type of basal cell or squamous cell cancer every year. It’s also estimated that around 2,000 Americans die from any type of basal or squamous cell cancer each year. That’s about 0.004%.

    Basal cell carcinomas develop on the surfaces of your skin, including the surface of your nose. Basal cell carcinomas are the most common type of skin cancer. But they’re also typically treatable.

    In most cases, basal cell carcinoma of the nose can be removed during surgery. Sometimes, basal cell carcinoma can even be removed during a skin biopsy test, resolving the cancer before a diagnosis is even given.

    • Melanoma pictures for self-examination. Melanoma is a serious form of skin cancer. It often can be cured if found early. These melanoma pictures can help show you what to look for.
    • A: Asymmetry. Asymmetrical skin growths, in which one part is not like the other, might be melanoma. Here, the left side of the mole is dark and slightly raised.
    • B: Border irregularity. Melanomas may have borders that are uneven or jagged. Those growths need to be seen by a healthcare professional.
    • C: Color changes. A spot with more than one color or uneven color may indicate cancer. Colors can include shades of tan, brown or black or areas of white, red or blue.
  2. Mar 28, 2022 · The warning signs of skin cancer can vary. Some symptoms are easy to spot, while others are more subtle and difficult to detect. If you notice any unusual moles, spots, or marks on your...

  3. Look out for BCC warning signs, including new, changing or unusual skin growths, so you can spot skin cancers early, when they are easiest to treat and cure. Overview. Risk Factors. Treatment. How to spot a BCC: five warning signs.

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  5. Apr 9, 2020 · If you know what to look for, you can spot warning signs of skin cancer early. Finding it early, when it’s small and has not spread, makes skin cancer much easier to treat. Some doctors and other health care professionals include skin exams as part of routine health check-ups.