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  1. Apr 20, 2020 · Enter Haydur Nation Meta discussion, a shiny new containment thread for your autism! Lolcow threads are being derailed with off-topic haydur chat and we hope this thread will be the solution for getting things back on track throughout the Salon.

  2. Apr 20, 2020 · Next planned post will discuss the 2 "origins" for FFG's channel: (1) weight loss journey, (2) anti-anti-haydur reaction channel

  3. Apr 20, 2020 · Haydur Nations favorite meth head is off her leash again and on a mission to avenge Charlene Nevergettingpeen and friends because that’s been working out for her. Mazel to her stopping at Welfare Ron’s first on her crazy train tour because it’ll end there and we’ll all have peace at least.

  4. Apr 20, 2020 · Sam spends a lot of time on KF because she needs the attic thread to make a living. Not knocking the hustle. Glad it’s working out. God knows Won etc. deserve what they get. But hey nice lady, maybe protect your peace and leave the thread where you’re discussed alone, especially if nothing...

  5. Apr 20, 2020 · Is Chantal in the mix with the attic and Charlie on this FFG takedown attempt? I don't think Chantal is looking too far beyond her next meal. Plus, she hates Charlie too so there'd be no way she'd willingly help her, IMO.

  6. Apr 20, 2020 · Karina Kaboom needs to step back and take a deep breath. She is getting way too emotionally invested in the Amberverse.

  7. Apr 20, 2020 · New video from @escándalo : Archive: Since it seems like he's been trying to take some constructive criticisms, here's some right off the bat: 1. Whatever that white thing is, either completely cover it, or clear it off. 2. If you want to put a darker blanket over your comforter, line it up...

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