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  1. In the table below is the full Russian alphabet in presented in dictionary order. It would also be useful to learn how to say the Russian letters. The Russian Alphabet. Russian Character. English Equivalent. Sound. Letter Name in Russian. А а. А а.

    • 3 - Basic Phrases

      Learn the Russian language with us! Lesson 3 includes basic...

    • Russian Alphabet

      The Russian alphabet is easy to learn! Learning the alphabet...

    • 2 - Numbers

      Russian numbers: 20 and onwards. As you could see, the...

  2. +70. Russian alphabet to English is one of the most popular online searches related to the Russian language. If you were looking for that too, we prepared a table for you where every letter of the Russian alphabet is given its corresponding sound in English.

  3. The Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters: 10 vowels (а, е, ё, и, о, у, ы, э, ю, я), 21 consonants and 2 signs (hard and soft) that are not pronounced. The Russian alphabet uses the Cyrillic script. Some letters of the Russian alphabet look like and sound similar to the letters of the Latin alphabet.

    Letter + Handwriting
    Name Of The Letter
    Transcription + Pronunciation
    Pronunciation Samples ( Red = Stressed)
    А а
    [a] (open and clear if stressed) [a] / ...
    к а к [á] = how к а к о й [a] = which, ...
    Б б
    бэ [be]
    [b] (voiced) [b j ] (voiced soft) [p] ...
    б ыть [b] = be б ить [b j ] = beat клу б ...
    В в
    вэ [ve]
    [v] (voiced) [v j ] (voiced soft) [f] ...
    в ы [v] = you ви за [v j ] = visa в се ...
    Г г
    гэ [ge]
    [g] (voiced) [g j ] (voiced soft) [k] ...
    г од [g] = year г имн [g j ] = hymn сло г ...
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  5. The Russian alphabet (ру́сский алфави́т, russkiy alfavit, or ру́сская а́збука, russkaya azbuka, more traditionally) is the script used to write the Russian language. It comes from the Cyrillic script, which was devised in the 9th century for the first Slavic literary language, Old Slavonic.

  6. Jan 7, 2023 · The Russian alphabet, also known as the Cyrillic alphabet, is an alphabet used to write the Russian language and several other languages of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. To transliterate the Russian alphabet to English, you can use the following chart as a guide:

  7. Easy! The most challenging part is that one letter which can be pronounced in several ways depending on its position, stress, dialect and other reasons… But first things first. А а. Russian “А” looks like the English “A” and is pronounced as [а] (same as the English [ɑ] in father).

  8. Jan 10, 2020 · Get to know the Russian alphabet by studying all three columns below. The first column provides the Russian letter, the second column provides an approximate pronunciation (using English characters), and the third column gives an idea of what the letter sounds like, using an example from an English word.

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