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  1. The Rambouillet Agreement, formally the Interim Agreement for Peace and Self-Government in Kosovo, was a proposed peace agreement between the delegation of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia on the one hand and the delegation of political representatives of the ethnic Albanian majority population of Kosovo on the other.

  2. Der Vertrag von Rambouillet war ein Entwurf eines Friedensvertrages zwischen der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien und der politischen Führung der Kosovo-Albaner. Der Vertrag wurde von der NATO ausgearbeitet und nach dem Ort der Verhandlungen im Schloss Rambouillet bei Paris benannt.

  3. The Military Technical Agreement, also known as the Kumanovo Agreement, signed between the International Security Force ( KFOR) and the Governments of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia, was an accord concluded on 9 June 1999 in Kumanovo, Macedonia.

  4. Der Vertrag von Rambouillet war ein Entwurf eines Friedensvertrages zwischen der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien und der politischen Führung der Kosovo-Albaner. Der Vertrag wurde von der NATO ausgearbeitet und nach dem Ort der Verhandlungen im Schloss Rambouillet bei Paris benannt.

  5. Agreement for Peace and Self-Government that was negotiated at Rambouillet near Paris in February 1999. This article first sets out the overall context of the negotiations at Rambouillet and of the threat and use of force associated with it. Then, it will address the Rambouillet process itself, before turning to an initial

  6. This chapter covers the Rambouillet conference, a unique example of ‘enforced negotiation’. On 29 January 1999, the Contact Group issued its summons to the parties to negotiate, backed by a North Atlantic Council (NAC) threat to use force to ensure compliance.

  7. The Rambouillet accord would have turned Kosovo into a colony in every respect, a colony of the United States, the dominant power in NATO. But it also would have gone a long way toward subordinating all of Yugoslavia.

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