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  1. Blanc De Blancs Wine - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Best Ragoût De Canard Au Vin Blanc
    Best Ragoût De Canard Au Vin Blanc With Duckling, Duck Fat, Organic Carrots, Leeks, Baby Bella Mushrooms, Baby Red Potatoes, Shallots, Garlic, Fresh Thyme Leaves, Chicken Broth, Holland House White Cooking Wine, Bay Leaf, Curly Parsley, Poultry Seasoning, Salt, Cracked Pepper
    One Pan White Wine Chicken & Vegetables (Coq Au Vin Blanc)
    One Pan White Wine Chicken & Vegetables (coq Au Vin Blanc) With Thick Sliced Bacon, Bone-in, Skin-on Chicken Thighs, Shallots, Carrots, Mushrooms, Garlic, Dry White Wine, Chicken Broth, Thyme Sprigs, Fresh Rosemary, Farinha De Mandioca
    Coq Au Vin Blanc on Skewers
    Coq Au Vin Blanc On Skewers With Chicken Thighs, Lardon, Large Carrots, Button Mushrooms, Pearl Onions, Fingerling Potatoes, Herbes De Provence, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Olive Oil, Dry White Wine, Heavy Cream, Chicken Broth, Fresh Thyme, Salt, White Pepper, Bamboo
    Cervelle de Canut
    Cervelle de canut is a French specialty from Lyon and literally means 'silk worker's brain', named for the silk weavers of 19th century Lyon who were called 'canuts'. It's a fantastic nibble. Spread it over crusty bread.
    Tagliatelle with Crab, Pea Shoots, and Herbs
    Food and Wine
    With the first sign of pea shoots at the market, I grant myself permission to act like a gleeful schoolgirl. Pea shoots, sometimes called pea greens or pea tips (and not to be confused with pea sprouts) are the tender young tendrils of pea plants like sugar snap peas or snow peas. Their appearance feels momentous to me, as they are the first shots of green I’ve seen in months. They even look coy for taking so long to show up. With their wispy, bouncy tendrils and delicate demeanor they seem to say: “Apologies for the late arrival, but we’re so happy to be here.” I start cooking them with abandon: pea shoots tossed with lemon juice on top of a frittata; with grassy olive oil and shaved Parmesan; sautéed with lots of ginger and garlic to accompany shrimp. Sometimes I even just crunch on pea shoots raw like a grazing rabbit. I’m just very happy they finally made it to the party.Given their highly anticipated entrance, I suppose they deserve a recipe worthy of a celebration meal, so I’ve gone ahead and planned them one. I hope they’ll be pleased. I toss the pea shoots with pasta and tender crabmeat in a bright, lemony butter and white wine sauce, and finish the dish with mint and other tender herbs. The resulting crab and pea shoot pasta makes a simple but very special supper that has everything to do with the quality of the ingredients. If you can find fresh tagliatelle, use it. The delicate texture is a fine match for the crab to get tangled up in. But if another long, dried, ribbon-like shape (such as linguine or fettucine) is in closer reach, use it—it will also work well. An easy salad composed of endive or fennel and radishes would be a nice addition to this meal.To drink, white is always a safe bet with crab; Saumur Blanc,Manoir de la Tête Rouge, “Tete d’Ange” 2017 (Chenin) retails for around $22 and is perfectly delicious. But for this dish, I think pink and preferably bubbly, such as this Free Mousse Pet Nat from Manoir de la Tête Rouge. It’s a blend of Cab Franc and Chenin Blanc grown in Le Puy-Notre-Dame in western France and truly coincidentally imported by my friends at Goatboy Selections—a small but mighty natural wine import company that has an impressive roster of producers. Sometimes it’s a good idea to pick a wine based on the back of the bottle, not the label on the front. If it’s stamped with a seal of approval from a distributor you like, you’ll more often than not be pleased with your selection. This wine is plainly just darn delicious. It smells subtly of tart, red fruit, has good acidity to cut through the richness of the butter, and plays nicely with the sweet salinity of the crab, but above all is playful and easy to sip on—we can all drink to that.
    Provençal Fish Stew
    Food and Wine
    How could a classic like bouillabaisse simultaneously be simplified and made more elegant? Enter Best New Chefs Clare de Boer and Jess Shadbolt, of King in New York City, who distill the essence of the dish by serving buttery lobsters; briny clams and mussels; and mild, flaky white fish in a fresh tomato sauce made with concentrated aromatics, like fennel seeds and chile flakes, and a generous glug of wine. The result is bright and fresh, with simmered-all-day flavor achieved in under an hour. Use an aromatic, minerally Provençal white wine, like Bandol Blanc, for the stew—serve the rest of the bottle alongside it.
    French Charcuterie Board
    Food Network
    This picture-perfect grazing board hits many of the high notes of traditional French charcuterie (cured meats) and fromage (cheese). The assembled spread is perfect for an informal meal or as an appetizer you can set out as guests trickle in and can stay at room temperature for about 2 hours – though a gorgeous board like this may not last that long. For the charcuterie, we suggest sliced classics like saucisson sec and jambon de Bayonne as well as pâté and spreads. For the cheese, those made from a variety of milks (cow, goat and sheep) will provide a welcome contrast in tastes and textures – sharp versus milky, crumbly versus creamy and smooth. Round out the board with other French classics like radishes and butter, mustard and cornichons as well as nuts, fruit and bread. To arrange the items, we suggest placing the larger ones (meats and cheese) first, then filling in with the smaller accompaniments. For ideal flavor take the cheeses out of the refrigerator 30 minutes to an hour before serving the board, although the meats can go on directly from the fridge. If you’d like to serve French wine with your spread, try a sparkling wine, a crisp white such as Sauvignon Blanc or a medium-bodied red like Cabernet Franc.
    Chicken Legs Stuffed With Blue Cheese And Walnuts
    Chicken Legs Stuffed With Blue Cheese And Walnuts With Chicken Legs, Freshly Ground Black Pepper, Kosher Salt, Walnuts, Unsalted Butter, Button Mushrooms, Fresh Breadcrumbs, Large Egg Yolks, Bleu De Bresse, Walnut Oil, Thick-cut Bacon, Shallots, Sauvignon Blanc, Veal Stock, Heavy Whipping Cream, Fla
    Cervelle de Canut (Fresh Cheese with Fines Herbes)
    Cervelle De Canut (fresh Cheese With Fines Herbes) With Fromage Blanc, Creme Fraiche, White Wine Vinegar, Fines Herbes, Shallots, , Sea Salt