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  1. Bring a printout of the Sample Schedule A letter with you to your appointment. It will give the professional writing the letter an easy template to use and you can be sure the letter is written correctly. You can access the Sample Schedule A letter on the Resources page of the website.

  2. This letter serves as certification that (name of patient/applicant) is an individual with a severe physical, intellectual, or psychiatric disability that qualifies him/her for consideration under 5 CFR 213.3102 (u), Schedule A hiring authority, appointment for Persons with Disabilities.

  3. Once you have your resume and supporting documents in order - including your Schedule A proof of disability documentation - you are ready to apply for the job. You should use two approaches when applying for federal jobs as a Schedule A applicant.

  4. Schedule A is a special appointing authority that agencies can use to non-competitively appoint individuals, including eligible veterans, who have a severe physical, psychiatric, or intellectual disability. For more information visit, Individuals with Disabilities page.

  5. View sample Schedule A letters for use by the individual developing your documentation. Guide to Schedule A. Guide to Schedule A for job applicants created by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

  6. You can apply for jobs using Schedule A, if you are a person with an intellectual disability, a severe physical disability or a psychiatric disability. To be eligible for Schedule A, you must provide a proof of a disability letter stating that you have an intellectual disability, severe physical disability or psychiatric disability.

  7. You can get this letter from your doctor, a licensed medical professional, a licensed vocational rehabilitation specialist, or any Federal, state, or local agency that issues or provides disability benefits. Many doctors and most of the entities listed above know how to format a Schedule A letter.

  8. Dec 16, 2020 · How to apply to Schedule A? The first step is to obtain a Schedule A letter from your physician, licensed medical professional, or any federal, state, DC, or US territory agency that issues or provides disability benefits.

  9. Obtain your Schedule A letter. You will need to obtain a Schedule A letter that states that you are an individual with a severe physical, intellectual, or psychiatric disability and eligible to be hired through Schedule A. The letter must come from one of the following officials:

  10. Schedule A Letter To Whom It May Concern: This letter serves as certification that _____ (Name of individual) is a person with a severe disability that qualifies him/her for consideration under the Schedule A hiring authority. _____ also is job ready and is likely to succeed in

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