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  1. Simple Spain Food Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Gazpacho Andaluz
    Direct from Spain, this recipe is simple and delicious. For this recipe it is convenient to have a hand mixer with chopping blades, a food processor, or a blender. This gazpacho can be garnished with minced vegetables and parsley, or with a little crushed ice.
    Refried Beans
    While in Spain, I had the hankering for Mexican food, so Lyn McKittrick sent me this simple and delicious recipe for refried beans. I would make 3-5 pounds at a time to serve up to my fellow missionaries.
    Andalucian Pinchitos Morunos - Moorish Saffron Meat Skewers
    Pinchitos Morunos (Moorish Skewers) are extremely popular as a Tapa, partuclarly in Andalucia. They are of Moorish origin, and are usually made from Lamb or Pork, I have used Chicken as the meat in this recipe, but I have listed other options! They are marinated in a Moorish saffron & spice mix and usually grilled outside and over charcoal or wood; however, they also cook beautifully on a griddle or in a heavy griddle type pan inside, during the cooler months. These are my favourite meat skewers and make a regular appearance on the "Al Fresco Lunch Table" during the Summer months. Great finger food for friends - or you can increase the quantities and make a meal of them. Serve them with a simple Tomato & Parsley Salad with my Sherry Vinegar Dressing, Flatbreads & Pickles for a true taste of Spain!