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  1. The Arrival of Marie de Medici at Marseilles is a Baroque painting by Sir Peter Paul Rubens executed c. 16221625. It was commissioned by Marie de' Medici of France to commemorate the life of her and her husband Henry IV of France.

  2. This particular painting shows Marie's arrival at Marseilles on 3 November 1600 where she would marry the French King Henry IV. However, the marriage was not a happy one as King Henry IV was something of a lothario who cheated on Marie as he had done in his previous marriage.

  3. Peter Paul Rubens, Arrival (or Disembarkation) of Marie de Medici at Marseilles, 1621-25, oil on canvas, 394 x 295 cm (Musée du Louvre, Paris) Speakers: Drs. Beth Harris and Steven Zucker. Created by Beth Harris and Steven Zucker.

  4. She ruled as regent until her son, Louis XIII, took power. Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker provide a description, historical perspective, and analysis of Peter Paul Rubenss Arrival (or Disembarkation) of Marie de Medici at Marseilles.

  5. The Marie de' Medici Cycle is a series of twenty-four paintings by Peter Paul Rubens commissioned by Marie de' Medici, widow of Henry IV of France, for the Luxembourg Palace in Paris. Rubens received the commission in the autumn of 1621.

  6. The painting presents Henry’s bethrothal to Marie de' Medici as a union ordained by the gods, counseled by France, and inspired by Marie’s beauty and virtues.

  7. The turbulent life of Marie deMedici. Rubens had to use great skill and caution to depict the queen’s life, which was riddled with diplomatic faux pas. When Henri IV died, Marie took over the reins of the kingdom until her son, Louis XIII, was old enough to govern on his own.

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