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  1. Jul 18, 2020 · Legend of Korra concluded with two of Mako's ex-girlfriends, Korra and Asami, falling in love with each other. Here's how he reacted in the comics.

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    When Mako's parents died, he was left orphaned on the streets along with his younger brother. He began working for the Triple Threat Triad by running numbers so he could survive and provide for Bolin and himself. Later, when questioned by Korra about this, he justified this by saying he was "doing what [he] could [...] to protect [his] little brother". Eventually, Toza discovered Mako fighting on the streets and invited the brothers to live in the attic of the Pro-bending Arena, and work odd...


    Mako was born as the first child to San and Naoki. When he was eight, Mako witnessed the death of his parents at the hands of a firebender, leaving him and Bolin orphaned on the streets. Many of Mako's features were inherited from his mother, including his firebending abilities and his physical features. It was noted by his paternal grandmother, Yin, that he had his mother's eyes. After the death of his parents, Mako took to wearing his father's scarf and was especially protective of it.It wa...

    Extended family

    When he and Bolin journeyed to Ba Sing Se with Team Avatar, he was not as excited as Bolin was about the prospect of heading toward their father's hometown. After Kai tricked them into getting lost, they tried to scam a local fruit salesman, who turned out to be their cousin, Tu. Their uncle Chow recognized the brothers and invited them to come to the family apartment. Mako was surprised about meeting their grandmother Yin and everyone else for the first time, and relayed the news of his pare...

    Asami Sato

    Mako met Asami after she accidentally hit him with her moped. Initially, he was angry at her due to her lack of attentiveness to other people on the road, but immediately forgot his train of thought the moment he laid eyes on her. When she invited him to go on a date as an apology for the incident, the love-struck firebender gladly accepted. Their relationship hit off immediately and they spent a lot of time together. While enjoying a romantic carriage ride through Republic City Park, Mako en...


    When Mako first met Korra, he thought she was just another one of Bolin's "crazy fangirls" and practically ignored her. Even after he discovered she was the Avatar and joined the Fire Ferrets, he was still rather tough on her. When Bolin went missing, Mako was reluctant at first to accept Korra's help in searching for him, but he eventually complied. The two got along quite well and when Korra asked about the fate of his parents, Mako felt comfortable to tell her the truth. Later, they fell a...


    Though Mako felt empathy at first for the new airbender upon discovering he was an orphan, his view changed after he learned that Kai was a thief and he later warned the young boy that he would keep an eye on him. When the young airbender ran off, Mako initially refused to search for him, believing Kai did not care about the group, but did so after being reminded by Tenzin that he was their responsibility.Later, when Kai was forcefully enlisted into the Earth Queen's first airbending regiment...


    Pabu is the pet of Mako's younger brother, Bolin. While he does not show any apparent feelings toward the fire ferret, Mako tolerates the creature living with them in close proximity, and when Bolin was kidnapped by the Equalists, he allowed Pabu to ride and sleep on his shoulder.


    When Mako and Bolin were living on the streets, they became friends with Skoochy around the time he escaped his second orphanage. Skoochy and his friends quite often hang around the Central Station. When Bolin was missing, Mako and Korra went to Skoochy for information, and he did help them, at the cost of a few yuans on Mako's part. He told Mako that Bolin was paid a lot of yuans to help the Triple Threat Triad, which disturbed Mako.


    Mako met Varrick as Asami's eccentric business partner, the one who was going to save her company. Since both of them were opposing Unalaq at that time, they created a bond of trust between them, with Mako willingly including Varrick in any plans that he had, unbeknownst of the businessman's hidden agenda, and Varrick offering any necessary resource. However, after the bombing of the Southern Water Tribe Cultural Center, Mako conducted an investigation, using a confiscated remote detonator as...

    Amon and the Equalists

    Mako, alongside Korra, first encountered the Equalists when they were searching for Bolin, who had been kidnapped while working for the Triple Threat Triad. Mako and Korra, on their search for Bolin, saw him being taken away in a truck and followed it. They lost track of the truck when two Equalists turned around and fought them. The two Equalists, after blocking Mako and Korra's chi, took off. After this, Korra and Mako went to the park in search of the protester Korra had met when she had a...


    Hasookis the former waterbending member of the Fire Ferrets. During a tournament-qualifying match against the Golden Temple Tigerdillos, Hasook was continually attacked by his opponents, being slow to react. In the third round of the match, he was hit early and knocked into Bolin. Both were eventually sent out of the ring, and although Mako won the match with a hat trick, he chastised Hasook for his poor play, thinking the waterbender to be useless. Hasook, frustrated by Mako, threw his helme...

    Hiroshi Sato

    After Asami nearly ran Mako over with her moped, she invited him to dinner, where he discovered she was the daughter of Hiroshi Sato, the creator of Satomobiles. After Asami told her father about Mako's situation, he told Mako that he too came from "humble beginnings" as a shoe shiner with just an idea: the Satomobile. He agreed to finance the Fire Ferrets, giving them the thirty-thousand yuansthe team needed to compete in the tournament, only under the condition that they agreed to wear the...

  3. Korra and Mako def had issues. Take the first kiss. Mako willingly confessed to liking Korra despite being with Asami. He never told her about the kiss (Bolin did) and he and Asami broke up. Then he and Korra got together and it was nice, but they fought a lot in Book 2.

  4. So basically, Book 1 has Korra experiencing romantic love for the first time. This begins to change in Book 2, as it's suddenly made clear that Korra and Mako don't work as a couple (something Korra says herself).

  5. Aug 15, 2020 · Korra and Mako do get together, but they don’t end up together. Here’s what goes down in their love lives. Mako first meets Korra while he’s dating Asami.

  6. From pro-bending to saving the world on a regular basis, Mako still found time in his busy schedule for romance. But how did the handsome firebender keep get...

    • 15 min
    • 468.1K
    • Avatar: The Last Airbender
  7. From then on/Otherwise, Mako is definitely supportive to Korra that's genuine and still without any sense of romantic intention and this continues after the exclamation point of his arc. But before that, it's worth talking about another Philia, his dynamic with Wu.

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