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    • Season 1 overview
      Dec 2, 2022
      6 episodes
      Season 1 episodes
      6. S1 E6
      6. S1 E6 Dec 2, 2022
      • Alesha, Gus and Wanda get Stephen's safe open, Claudia rushes back home.
    • 5. S1 E5
      5. S1 E5 Dec 2, 2022
      • Nina's trip to Zurich sheds light on Oyin and a past she buried.
      • Andre finds an investor for Claudia; meanwhile, Nina and Claudia vie for shareholders' votes.
      • As the Richards gear up for the biggest event of the year, news of the embezzlement comes as a blow.
    • 2. S1 E2
      2. S1 E2 Dec 2, 2022
      • Tensions continue to brew; Claudia furiously works to regain Flair and Glory for her family.
    • 1. S1 E1
      1. S1 E1 Dec 2, 2022
      • Following devastating circumstances in the Richards family, Nina and Simon are brought to the UK.