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  1. After his return in 1859, Dostoevsky never resumed work on Netochka Nezvanova, leaving this fragment forever incomplete. The novel is in the style of a Bildungsroman, depicting experiences and emotions from Netochka's formative years, as recalled by her in maturity.

  2. For one, Dostoevsky never again used a character’s name as a title; for another, he never again wrote a Bildungsroman [novel of education], the subgenre to which this novel arguably belongs; and for yet another, he never again employed a female character as a narrator—Netochka Nezvanova is couched in the first person as a memoir.2 Thus in these ...

  3. Another young girl whose life in its first phase resembles to a certain extent that of the two female protagonists discussed above is Netochka Nezvanova, the heroine of the unfinished Bildungsroman with the same title. Netochka has never known her real father, who died when she was only two.

  4. work, Netochka Nezvanova.6 It is a remarkable work in a number of ways. Most obviously, it is one of the very few works in Russian literature in which a male author attempts to write as a woman? The overall plan of the unfinished nove18 was to have been a Bildungsroman (and as such the only work of this type by Dostoevsky

  5. Jan 13, 2023 · Eight-year-old Netochka lives in the closet in the attic of a large St. Petersburg house. Her mother sewing and concoction earns for the whole family. Stepfather, Egor Efimov, a strange man. He is a talented violinist, but abandoned music, because the “villain” wife allegedly ruined his talent.

  6. Mar 22, 2024 · Netochka Nezvanova” itself, an unfinished novel, presents a narrative filled with themes of suffering, self-discovery, and the search for personal meaning within the constraints of society and one’s own limitations.

  7. Dostoyevsky never resumed work on Netochka Nezvanova, leaving it incomplete. The fragment tells the story of Netochka and her childhood, which dominated by her stepfather, Efimov, a failed musician that believes he is a neglected genius.

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