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  1. During a meeting of European ambassadors during the first Berlin Crisis the Soviet dictator mentioned that if German division were to happen, the east should have Berlin while the west could have Frankfurt. The Parlamentarischer Rat did meet in Bonn and there was considerable groundwork laid for Basic Law and other structures. But there was ...

  2. Der parlamentarische Rat 1948-1949: Akten und Protokolle, Volume 13, Issue 1 Germany, Parlamentarischer Rat, 1948-49 Snippet view - 2002. Common terms and phrases.

  3. She rose quickly as well in the ranks of her party, serving on the SPD federal executive. Probably the high point of her career came in 1948, when she was chosen to serve on the Parliamentary Council (Parlamentarischer Rat), an American-initiated institution designed to move the Western sectors of occupied Germany toward sovereign status.

  4. Der Parlamentarische Rat 1948-1949: Akten und Protokolle. Ausschuß für Organisation des Bundes, Ausschuß für Verfassungsgerichtshof und Rechtspflege Volume 13, Issue 1 of Der parlamentarische Rat 1948-1949: Akten und Protokolle, Germany (West). Bundesarchiv: Author: Deutschland Parlamentarischer Rat: Compiled by: Edgar Büttner: Publisher

  5. Verhandlungen des Hauptausschusses, Bonn 1948/49 / Parlamentarischer Rat. Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955). Parlamentarischer Rat (1948-1949); Germany (West).

  6. Der Parlamentarische Rat, 1948-1949: Wagner, J. V. Vorgeschichte Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955). Parlamentarischer Rat (1948-1949) Snippet view - 1975

  7. Der Parlamentarische Rat, 1948-1949: Entwürfe zum Grundgesetz, bearb. von Michael Hollmann Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955). Parlamentarischer Rat (1948-1949)

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