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  1. From (1881) by Rev. George A. Jackson (Anglican Clergyman) Tertullian aimed at a direct effect and confrontation, and by appeals and lectures tried to reach primarily his nearest brethren and fellow-citizens. But what Latin it was that Tertullian suddently dared to write! It was without precedent in the literary field.

  2. The book had been preceded by a Greek writing on the same subject. Tertullian declares that the Rule of Faith is unchangeable, but discipline is progressive. He quotes a dream in favour of the veil. The date may be about 206. Shortly afterwards Tertullian published his largest extant work, five books against Marcion. A first draft had been ...

  3. Tertullian was the first Christian writer to face a serious attack concerning the nature of God. In response, he outlined a formula summarising the Biblical teaching on this, and was the first to use the word trinitas in a technical way to describe the relation of God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

  4. Just the Latin text, from F. Oehler's editio maior , 1851. I've added the chapter numbers from R. Willems' version in CCSL 2. Passio Perpetuae et Felicitatis . Found on the net at The Latin Library. This says that the text (only) is from The Acts of the Christian Martyrs, ed. H. Musurillo. Oxford 1972. p.106-130.

  5. Tertullian tells us (in the quote by ' ' and in De Ieiunio ) that the Spirit proclaimed no innovation in doctrine, but only gave directions about matters of church discipline, which were coming to be the prerogative of the bishop. It would seem that the Montanists were orthodox in all matters of doctrine. 3. Responses to this were quite mixed ...

  6. Jul 14, 2001 · Death is the separation of the soul from the body, the complete separation. Tertullian discourses at great length on the whole subject of sleep and dreams, in order to establish his contention that the soul never leaves the body, except at death. The conclusion to which he comes is that sleep is a rest for the body only, while the soul remains ...

  7. Apr 16, 2024 · Throughout his writings, Tertullian emphasized the distinctness of each person within the Godhead, arguing against contemporary heresies that viewed the manifestations of God as mere modes or ...

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