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  1. "Self-publishing through KDP and Amazon has changed my life. My books have made it to the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists." Visit Tricia O'Malley's author page

  2. Publish with Kindle Direct Publishing in 3 simple steps Step 1: Prepare your manuscript and cover files Format your manuscript file and create your front, body, and back matter, such as your title page, table of contents, and author bio.

  3. "Self-publishing through KDP and Amazon has changed my life. My books have made it to the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists." Visit Tricia O'Malley's author page

  4. Augmentez vos revenus avec Kindle Direct Publishing Recevez une rémunération pour chaque page lue avec l’abonnement Kindle Percevez des redevances pour chaque page lue dans le cadre de l’abonnement Kindle lorsque vous inscrivez votre livre à KDP Select.

  5. Bem-vindo ao Kindle Direct Publishing Publique livros impressos e digitais por conta própria e alcance milhões de leitores em todo o mundo através da Amazon. Inscreva-se no KDP

  6. Autopublicación en Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, la plataforma que permite a los autores publicar sus libros electrónicos de forma independiente.

  7. Willkommen bei Kindle Direct Publishing Veröffentlichen Sie gedruckte und digitale Bücher im Selbstverlag und erreichen Sie auf Amazon weltweit Millionen von Lesern und Leserinnen. KDP beitreten

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