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  1. Orthodox Christians are not under the authority of the Pope. They are under the authority of the Ecumenical Councils and God as the Persons of Christ and the Holy Spirit directly. Laity and monastics are commanded to keep an eye on their bishops.

  2. What is Orthodox Christianity? The Orthodox Christian Faith proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the teachings of the Apostles, and the tradition and life of the living Church worldwide through worship, communion, witness, and service.

  3. Apr 11, 2023 · Orthodoxy is belief or adherence to traditional or affirmed creeds, notably in religion. In the Christian sense, the term means "conforming to the Christian faith as represented in the creeds of the early Church." The first seven ecumenical councils occurred between the years of 325 and 787 A.D. with the purpose of establishing accepted doctrines.

  4. The Eastern Orthodox Church, officially the Orthodox Catholic Church, and also called the Greek Orthodox Church or simply the Orthodox Church, is the second-largest Christian church, with approximately 230 million baptised members.

  5. Oct 2, 2016 · Orthodox Christianity is the life in faith of the Orthodox Church, inseparable from that concrete, historic community and encompassing its entire way of life.

  6. Nov 14, 2017 · Along with Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, Orthodox Christianity is one of the worlds three major Christian traditions. But unlike the other two large branches of Christianity, which have spread throughout the developing world, Orthodoxy remains largely confined to Europe.

  7. The Eastern Orthodox Christian life is a spiritual pilgrimage in which each person, through the imitation of Christ and hesychasm, cultivates the practice of unceasing prayer. Each life occurs within the life of the church as a member of the body of Christ.

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