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  1. 5 days ago · When the plant blooms, the frilly, cabbage leaf-looking part (called the spathe) surrounding the plant's spadix (the towering part) will unfurl and the plant will begin to release its...

  2. 3 days ago · The corpse flower, or Amorphophallus titanum, is the largest unbranched inflorescence (or collection of flowers acting as one) in the plant kingdom. They can grow up to 8 feet tall; and during bloom, their corpse-like smell lures pollinators like carrion beetles and flies. The corpse flower is native to Sumatra, Indonesia, and there are ...

  3. 16 hours ago · Here are seven plants known for their impressive longevity: the Rubber Plant, Peace Lily, Aloe Vera, Monstera, Jade Plant, Yucca, and various species of Palm. These plants can thrive for decades, providing beauty and companionship for a lifetime. By offering them the proper light, water, and occasional fertilizing, you can ensure these ...

  4. 1 day ago · The difference between perennials and annuals is simple—perennials are plants that will come back and regrow year after year, while annuals die off when temperatures get too cold and require you to plant new plants the following spring.

  5. 4 days ago · 4. Watering and Care: Keep your plants healthy by ensuring they are well-watered and cared for. Healthy plants are more resilient and better able to recover from any damage. 5. Temporary Relocation: For particularly valuable or fragile plants in containers, consider moving them to a sheltered location during the height of cicada activity.

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  7. 2 days ago · Which perennial flowers bloom all summer? Whether you live in the South, Northeast, Midwest, or West, see our list of perennials to plant for colorful flowers from summer to fall. Perennials That Bloom All Summer. Nonstop bloom is easy to create just by planting the right varieties for your location.

  8. 4 days ago · The Mesozoic Caytonia is more flower-like still, with enclosed ovules – but only a single integument. Further, details of their pollen and stamens set them apart from true flowering plants.

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